A free extension for Soul Graves with a variety of useful features. Built for 1.21+
Spigot Page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/soul-graves-plus.122635/
- Customizable Hologram above Active Soul
- Configurable Logger for Soul Spawns, Pickups, and Explosions in Console
- SoulGraves | Required
Not strictly required but used for specific features or add additional features
- FancyHolograms (recommended) or DecentHolograms | Required for Holograms
Holograms do not persist across restarts, graves still will
If you'd like to contribute, simply make an issue with your proposed feature/enhancement or browse existing issues that are approved and make a pull request! PRs are accepted at this time.
Thanks to @NicoNekoDev for their contributions & code cleanup!
Want to make a suggestion? Having an issue? Open a GitHub Issue here and let me know!
Found an exploit? Reach out ASAP to @josbot
over Discord and let me know.