algorithm-portfolio-20290-Julia-fil1 created by GitHub Classroom
This repository was created for COMP20290 module - Algorithms
All of the programs were written in Java 13
This repository includes the following Practicals
Practical number | Topic covered |
Practical 1 | Algorithm analysis |
Practical 2 | Complexity |
Practical 3 | Recursion |
Practical 4 | Sorting |
Practical 5 | Sorting 2 |
Practical 6 | Sorting 3 |
Practical 7 | Substing search |
Practical 8 | Trie |
Practical 9 | Data compression |
The task for this programming assignment was to implement a fully functional Huffman coding suite equipped with methods to both compress and decompress text files. Huffman encoding is an example of a lossless compression algorithm that works particularly well on text but can, in fact, be applied to any type of file. Using Huffman encoding to compress a file can reduce the storage it requires by a third, half, or even more, in some situations. Huffman's algorithm is an example of a Greedy algorithm. It's called greedy because the two smallest nodes are chosen at each step, and this local decision results in a globally optimal encoding tree. In general, greedy algorithms use small-grained, or local minimal/maximal choices to result in a global minimum/maximum.
The file implements the Huffman compression algorithm Please ensure that all the necessary files are compiled before execution.
- to count the number of bits in a particular file use the command
java BinaryDump < filename.file_extension
- to count the number of bits produced upon compression of a file
java HuffmanCompression - < file.file_extension | java BinaryDump
- to count the number of bits produced upon decompression of a file
java HuffmanCompression + < file.file_extension | java BinaryDump
- to output the compressed version of a file into a new file
java HuffmanCompression - file.file_extension (the file to be compressed) newFile.file_extension (the new file to be created with the compressed version of the file as its contents)
- to output the decompressed version of a file into a new file
java HuffmanCompression + file.file_extension (the file to be compressed) newFile.file_extension (the new file to be created with the compressed version of the file as its contents)
As well as implementing the Huffman algorithm within the file, I have also altered the file so as to be able to output the time it takes to execute the compression and decompression using that file. Please ensure that you use the updated version of that file while trying to time the RunLength compression.