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Merge pull request #951 from JuliaControl/pid2dof
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add 2DOF pid constructor
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baggepinnen authored Jan 12, 2025
2 parents ceb9ff9 + 048908f commit 5982cc3
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Showing 3 changed files with 112 additions and 12 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/examples/
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ See also the following tutorial video on LQR and LQG design

## PID design functions
A basic PID controller can be constructed using the constructor [`pid`](@ref).
A basic PID controller can be constructed using the constructors [`pid`](@ref), [`pid_2dof`](@ref).
In ControlSystems.jl, we often refer to three different formulations of the PID controller, which are defined as

* Standard form: ``K_p(1 + \frac{1}{T_i s} + T_ds)``
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95 changes: 84 additions & 11 deletions lib/ControlSystemsBase/src/pid_design.jl
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@@ -1,22 +1,23 @@
export pid, pid_tf, pid_ss, pidplots, leadlink, laglink, leadlinkat, leadlinkcurve, stabregionPID, loopshapingPI, placePI, loopshapingPID
export pid, pid_tf, pid_ss, pid_2dof, pid_ss_2dof, pidplots, leadlink, laglink, leadlinkat, leadlinkcurve, stabregionPID, loopshapingPI, placePI, loopshapingPID

C = pid(param_p, param_i, [param_d]; form=:standard, state_space=false, [Tf], [Ts])
Calculates and returns a PID controller.
The `form` can be chosen as one of the following
The `form` can be chosen as one of the following (determines how the arguments `param_p, param_i, param_d` are interpreted)
* `:standard` - `Kp*(1 + 1/(Ti*s) + Td*s)`
* `:series` - `Kc*(1 + 1/(τi*s))*(τd*s + 1)`
* `:parallel` - `Kp + Ki/s + Kd*s`
If `state_space` is set to `true`, either `Kd` has to be zero
or a positive `Tf` has to be provided for creating a filter on
the input to allow for a state space realization.
the input to allow for a state-space realization.
The filter used is `1 / (1 + s*Tf + (s*Tf)^2/2)`, where `Tf` can typically
be chosen as `Ti/N` for a PI controller and `Td/N` for a PID controller,
and `N` is commonly in the range 2 to 20.
The state space will be returned on controllable canonical form.
A balanced state-space realization is returned, unless `balance = false`
in which case a controllable canonical form is used.
For a discrete controller a positive `Ts` can be supplied.
In this case, the continuous-time controller is discretized using the Tustin method.
Expand All @@ -25,15 +26,15 @@ In this case, the continuous-time controller is discretized using the Tustin met
C1 = pid(3.3, 1, 2) # Kd≠0 works without filter in tf form
C2 = pid(3.3, 1, 2; Tf=0.3, state_space=true) # In statespace a filter is needed
C3 = pid(2., 3, 0; Ts=0.4, state_space=true) # Discrete
C3 = pid(2., 3, 0; Ts=0.4, state_space=true) # Discrete
The functions `pid_tf` and `pid_ss` are also exported. They take the same parameters
and is what is actually called in `pid` based on the `state_space` parameter.
function pid(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard, Ts=nothing, Tf=nothing, state_space=false)
function pid(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard, Ts=nothing, Tf=nothing, state_space=false, balance=true)
C = if state_space # Type instability? Can it be fixed easily, does it matter?
pid_ss(param_p, param_i, param_d; form, Tf)
pid_ss(param_p, param_i, param_d; form, Tf, balance)
pid_tf(param_p, param_i, param_d; form, Tf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -64,9 +65,8 @@ function pid_tf(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard,

function pid_ss(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard, Tf=nothing)
function pid_ss(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard, Tf=nothing, balance=true)
Kp, Ki, Kd = convert_pidparams_to_parallel(param_p, param_i, param_d, form)
TE = Continuous()
if !isnothing(Tf)
if Ki != 0
A = [0 1 0; 0 0 1; 0 -2/Tf^2 -2/Tf]
Expand All @@ -88,11 +88,84 @@ function pid_ss(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard,
return ss([Kp])
throw(DomainError("cannot create controller as a state space if Td != 0 without a filter. Either create the controller as a transfer function, pid(TransferFunction; params...), or supply Tf to create a filter."))
throw(DomainError("cannot create controller as a state space if Td != 0 without a filter. Either create the controller as a transfer function, pid(params..., state_space=false), or supply keyword argument Tf to add a filter."))
K = ss(A, B, C, D)
balance ? first(balance_statespace(K)) : K

C = pid_2dof(param_p, param_i, [param_d]; form=:standard, state_space=true, N = 10, [Ts], b=1, c=0, disc=:tustin)
Calculates and returns a PID controller on 2DOF form with inputs `[r; y]` and outputs `u` where `r` is the reference signal, `y` is the measured output and `u` is the control signal.
Belowm we show two different depections of the contorller, one as a 2-input system (left) and one where the tw internal SISO systems of the controller are shown (right).
r │ │
───►│ Cr ├────┐
r ┌─────┐ ┌─────┐ │ │ │ ┌─────┐
──►│ │ u │ │ y └──────┘ │ │ │ y
│ C ├────►│ P ├─┬─► +───►│ P ├─┬───►
┌►│ │ │ │ │ ┌──────┐ │ │ │ │
│ └─────┘ └─────┘ │ y │ │ │ └─────┘ │
│ │ ┌─►│ Cy ├────┘ │
└─────────────────────┘ │ │ │ │
│ └──────┘ │
│ │
The `form` can be chosen as one of the following (determines how the arguments `param_p, param_i, param_d` are interpreted)
* `:standard` - `Kp*(b*r-y + (r-y)/(Ti*s) + Td*s*(c*r-y)/(Tf*s + 1))`
* `:parallel` - `Kp*(b*r-y) + Ki*(r-y)/s + Kd*s*(c*r-y)/(Tf*s + 1)`
- `b` is a set-point weighting for the proportional term
- `c` is a set-point weighting for the derivative term, this defaults to 0.
- If both `b` and `c` are set to zero, the feedforward path of the controller will be strictly proper.
- `Tf` is a time constant for a filter on the derivative term, this defaults to `Td/N` where `N` is set to 10. Instead of passing `Tf` one can also pass `N` directly. The proportional term is not affected by this filter. **Please note**: this derivative filter is not the same as the one used in the `pid` function, where the filter is of second order and applied in series with the contorller, i.e., it affects all three PID terms.
- A PD controller is constructed by setting `param_i` to zero.
- A balanced state-space realization is returned, unless `balance = false`
- If `Ts` is supplied, the controller is discretized using the method `disc` (defaults to `:tustin`).
This controller has negative feedback built in, and the closed-loop system from `r` to `y` is thus formed as
Cr, Cy = C[1, 1], C[1, 2]
feedback(P, Cy, pos_feedback=true)*Cr # Alternative 1
feedback(P, -Cy)*Cr # Alternative 2
function pid_2dof(args...; state_space = true, Ts = nothing, disc = :tustin, kwargs...)
C = pid_ss_2dof(args...; kwargs...)
Ccd = Ts === nothing ? C : c2d(C, Ts, disc)
state_space ? Ccd : tf(Ccd)

function pid_ss_2dof(param_p, param_i, param_d=zero(typeof(param_p)); form=:standard, b = 1, c = 0, Tf=nothing, N=nothing, balance=true)
# On standard form we use N
Tf !== nothing && N !== nothing && throw(ArgumentError("Cannot supply both Tf and N"))
if Tf === nothing && N === nothing
N = 10 # Default value
kp, ki, kd = convert_pidparams_to_parallel(param_p, param_i, param_d, form)
Tf = @something(Tf, kd / N)
Tf <= 0 && throw(ArgumentError("Tf must be strictly positive"))
if ki == 0
A = [-(1 / Tf);;]
B = [-kd*c/(Tf^2) kd/(Tf^2)]
C = [1.0]
D = [kd*c/Tf+kp*b -(kd/Tf + kp)]
A = [0 0; 0 -(1 / Tf)]
B = [ki -ki; -kd*c/Tf^2 kd/Tf^2]
C = [1.0 1]
D = [kd*c/Tf+kp*b -(kd/Tf + kp)]
return first(balance_statespace(ss(A, B, C, D)))
K = ss(A, B, C, D)
balance ? first(balance_statespace(K)) : K

pidplots(P, args...; params_p, params_i, params_d=0, form=:standard, ω=0, grid=false, kwargs...)
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27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions lib/ControlSystemsBase/test/test_pid_design.jl
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Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,33 @@ Tf = 0.01

@test tf(pid(2.0, 0, 1; state_space=true, Tf)) minreal(pid(2.0, 0, 1; state_space=false, Tf))

# pid 2 DOF

# PID controller on 2DOF form constructed with transfer functions for comparison
s = tf('s')
kp, ki, kd, b, c, Tf = rand(6)
ki = 0
Ktf = [(kp*b + kd*s*c/(Tf*s + 1)) -(kp + kd*s/(Tf*s + 1))]
Kss = ControlSystemsBase.pid_ss_2dof(kp, ki, kd; Tf, b, c, form=:parallel)
@test norm(freqresp(Kss-Ktf, exp10.(LinRange(-3, 3, 10)))) < 1e-10

kp, ki, kd, b, c, Tf = rand(6)
Ktf = [(kp*b + ki/s + kd*s*c/(Tf*s + 1)) -(kp + ki/s + kd*s/(Tf*s + 1))]
Kss = ControlSystemsBase.pid_ss_2dof(kp, ki, kd; Tf, b, c, form=:parallel)
@test norm(freqresp(Kss-Ktf, exp10.(LinRange(-3, 3, 10)))) < 1e-10

kp, ki, kd, b, c, N = rand(6)
Tf = kd/N
Ktf = [(kp*b + ki/s + kd*s*c/(Tf*s + 1)) -(kp + ki/s + kd*s/(Tf*s + 1))]
Kss = ControlSystemsBase.pid_ss_2dof(kp, ki, kd; N, b, c, form=:parallel)
@test norm(freqresp(Kss-Ktf, exp10.(LinRange(-3, 3, 10)))) < 1e-10

kp, ki, kd, b, c, Tf = rand(6)
Ktf = c2d(ss([(kp*b + ki/s + kd*s*c/(Tf*s + 1)) -(kp + ki/s + kd*s/(Tf*s + 1))]), 0.01, :tustin)
Kss = pid_2dof(kp, ki, kd; Tf, b, c, form=:parallel, Ts=0.01, state_space = false)
@test norm(freqresp(Kss-Ktf, exp10.(LinRange(-3, 3, 10)))) < 1e-5

# Test pidplots
C = pid(1.0, 1, 1)
pidplots(C, :nyquist, :gof, :pz, :controller; params_p=[1.0, 2], params_i=[2, 3], grid=true) # Simply test that the functions runs and not errors
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