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Add examples to the docs (#166)
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* add two examples for construction

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Datseris authored Feb 16, 2023
1 parent 1d86da1 commit 9126221
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Showing 10 changed files with 219 additions and 88 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
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11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions
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@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
# v3.0

Complete rewrite of the package. The DynamicalSystems.jl v3 changelog summarizes the highlights. Here we will try to list all changes, but it will be difficult to provide a changelog given that everything was changed.
Complete rewrite of the package. The DynamicalSystems.jl v3 changelog summarizes the highlights. Here we will list all changes to _this specific package_.

## Majorly Breaking
- The `Discrete/ContinuousDynamicalSystem` constructors no longer accept a Jacobian. Use the dedicated `TangentDynamicalSystem` for something that represents the tangent space and can be given to downstream functions such as `lyapunovspectrum`. As a result, none of the predefined systems come with a hand coded Jacobian. The function is still available for manual use nevertheless.
- The keyword `diffeq` does not exist anymore and is not given to any downstream functions such as `lyapunovspectrum`. The only struct that cares about DifferentialEquations.jl arguments is `CoupledODEs` so it is the only one that accepts `diffeq` keyword.
- `trajectory` now returns the actual trajectory _and_ the time vector: `X, t = trajectory(ds, ...)`.

## Enhancements
- `DynamicalSystem` now defines a proper, well-thought-out interface that is implemented from all its concrete subtypes. See its docstring for details.
Expand All @@ -16,10 +21,6 @@ Complete rewrite of the package. The DynamicalSystems.jl v3 changelog summarizes
- `stroboscopicmap -> StroboscopicMap`
- `poincaremap -> PoincareMap`

## Majorly Breaking
- The `Discrete/ContinuousDynamicalSystem` constructors no longer accept a Jacobian. Use the dedicated `TangentDynamicalSystem` for something that represents the tangent space and can be given to downstream functions such as `lyapunovspectrum`. As a result, none of the predefined systems come with a hand coded Jacobian. The function is still available for manual use nevertheless.
- The keyword `diffeq` does not exist anymore and is not given to any downstream functions such as `lyapunovspectrum`. The only struct that cares about DifferentialEquations.jl arguments is `CoupledODEs` so it is the only one that accepts `diffeq` keyword.
- `trajectory` now returns the actual trajectory _and_ the time vector: `X, t = trajectory(ds, ...)`

# v2.9
- All code related to the poincare map integrator have been moved here from ChaosTools.jl.
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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
# DynamicalSystemsBase.jl

[![Package Downloads](](
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/Project.toml
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Expand Up @@ -3,4 +3,5 @@ CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0"
Documenter = "e30172f5-a6a5-5a46-863b-614d45cd2de4"
DocumenterTools = "35a29f4d-8980-5a13-9543-d66fff28ecb8"
DynamicalSystemsBase = "6e36e845-645a-534a-86f2-f5d4aa5a06b4"
SparseArrays = "2f01184e-e22b-5df5-ae63-d93ebab69eaf"
StateSpaceSets = "40b095a5-5852-4c12-98c7-d43bf788e795"
38 changes: 7 additions & 31 deletions docs/make.jl
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@@ -1,50 +1,26 @@
CI = get(ENV, "CI", nothing) == "true" || get(ENV, "GITHUB_TOKEN", nothing) !== nothing
using DynamicalSystemsBase # comes from global environment in CI
using Documenter
using DocumenterTools: Themes
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "Documenter"
using CairoMakie

# %% JuliaDynamics theme
# It includes themeing for the HTML build
# and themeing for the Makie plotting

using DocumenterTools: Themes
for file in ("juliadynamics-lightdefs.scss", "juliadynamics-darkdefs.scss", "juliadynamics-style.scss")
filepath = joinpath(@__DIR__, file)
if !isfile(filepath)
download("$file", joinpath(@__DIR__, file))
# create the themes
for w in ("light", "dark")
header = read(joinpath(@__DIR__, "juliadynamics-style.scss"), String)
theme = read(joinpath(@__DIR__, "juliadynamics-$(w)defs.scss"), String)
write(joinpath(@__DIR__, "juliadynamics-$(w).scss"), header*"\n"*theme)
# compile the themes
Themes.compile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "juliadynamics-light.scss"), joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/assets/themes/documenter-light.css"))
Themes.compile(joinpath(@__DIR__, "juliadynamics-dark.scss"), joinpath(@__DIR__, "src/assets/themes/documenter-dark.css"))
import Downloads
joinpath(@__DIR__, "apply_style.jl")

# %% Build docs
ENV["JULIA_DEBUG"] = "Documenter"
using DynamicalSystemsBase

using DynamicalSystemsBase.SciMLBase


modules = [DynamicalSystemsBase, SciMLBase, StateSpaceSets],
format = Documenter.HTML(
prettyurls = CI,
assets = [
asset("|Source+Code+Pro&display=swap", class=:css),
collapselevel = 3,
sitename = "DynamicalSystemsBase.jl",
authors = "George Datseris",
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204 changes: 196 additions & 8 deletions docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,15 @@ current_crossing_time

## `TangentDynamicalSystem`

## `ProjectedDynamicalSystem`
Expand All @@ -71,21 +80,17 @@ initial_states

## `TangentDynamicalSystem`
## `ArbitrarySteppable`

## Parallelization

Since `DynamicalSystem`s are mutable, one needs to copy them before parallelizing, to avoid having to deal with complicated race conditions etc. The simplest way is with `deepcopy`. Here is an example block that shows how to parallelize calling some expensive function (e.g., calculating the Lyapunov exponent) over a parameter range:
Since `DynamicalSystem`s are mutable, one needs to copy them before parallelizing, to avoid having to deal with complicated race conditions etc. The simplest way is with `deepcopy`. Here is an example block that shows how to parallelize calling some expensive function (e.g., calculating the Lyapunov exponent) over a parameter range using `Threads`:

ds = DynamicalSystem(f, u, p)
ds = DynamicalSystem(f, u, p) # some concrete implementation
parameters = 0:0.01:1
outputs = zeros(length(parameters))

Expand All @@ -99,3 +104,186 @@ Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(parameters)
outputs[i] = expensive_function(system, args...)

## Examples

### Iterated map, out of place

Let's make the [Hénon map]( as an example.

```@example MAIN
using DynamicalSystemsBase
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
u0 = zeros(2)
p0 = [1.4, 0.3]
henon = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, u0, p0)

and get a trajectory

```@example MAIN
X, t = trajectory(henon, 10000; Ttr = 100)

### Coupled ODEs, in place

Let's make the Lorenz system
[Hénon map]( as an example.
The system is small, and therefore should utilize the out of place syntax, but for the case of example, we will use the in-place syntax.
We'll also use a high accuracy solver from OrdinaryDiffEq.jl.

```@example MAIN
using DynamicalSystemsBase
using OrdinaryDiffEq: Vern9
@inbounds function lorenz_rule!(du, u, p, t)
σ = p[1]; ρ = p[2]; β = p[3]
du[1] = σ*(u[2]-u[1])
du[2] = u[1]*(ρ-u[3]) - u[2]
du[3] = u[1]*u[2] - β*u[3]
return nothing
u0 = [0, 10.0, 0]
p0 = [10, 28, 8/3]
diffeq = (alg = Vern9(), abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)
lorenz = CoupledODEs(lorenz_rule!, u0, p0; diffeq)

and get a trajectory

```@example MAIN
X, t = trajectory(lorenz, 1000; Δt = 0.05, Ttr = 10)

### Advanced example
This is an advanced example of making an in-place implementation of coupled [standard maps]( It will utilize a handcoded Jacobian, a sparse matrix for the Jacobinan, a default initial Jacobian matrix, as well as function-like-objects as the dynamic rule.

Coupled standard maps is a deterministic iterated map that can have arbitrary number of equations of motion, since you can couple `N` standard maps which are 2D maps, like so:

\theta_{i}' = \theta_i + p_{i}' \\
p_{i}' = p_i + k_i\sin(\theta_i) - \Gamma \left[\sin(\theta_{i+1} - \theta_{i}) + \sin(\theta_{i-1} - \theta_{i}) \right]

To model this, we will make a dedicated `struct`, which is parameterized on the
number of coupled maps:

```@example MAIN
struct CoupledStandardMaps{N}
idxs::SVector{N, Int}
idxsm1::SVector{N, Int}
idxsp1::SVector{N, Int}

(what these fields are will become apparent later)

We initialize the struct with the amount of standard maps we want to couple,
and we also define appropriate parameters:

```@example MAIN
M = 5 # couple number
u0 = 0.001rand(2M) #initial state
ks = 0.9ones(M) # nonlinearity parameters
Γ = 1.0 # coupling strength
p = (ks, Γ) # parameter container
# Create struct:
SV = SVector{M, Int}
idxs = SV(1:M...) # indexes of thetas
idxsm1 = SV(circshift(idxs, +1)...) #indexes of thetas - 1
idxsp1 = SV(circshift(idxs, -1)...) #indexes of thetas + 1
# So that:
# x[i] ≡ θᵢ
# x[[idxsp1[i]]] ≡ θᵢ+₁
# x[[idxsm1[i]]] ≡ θᵢ-₁
csm = CoupledStandardMaps{M}(idxs, idxsm1, idxsp1)

We will now use this struct to define a [function-like-object](, a Type that also acts as a function

```@example MAIN
function (f::CoupledStandardMaps{N})(xnew::AbstractVector, x, p, n) where {N}
ks, Γ = p
@inbounds for i in f.idxs
xnew[i+N] = mod2pi(
x[i+N] + ks[i]*sin(x[i]) -
Γ*(sin(x[f.idxsp1[i]] - x[i]) + sin(x[f.idxsm1[i]] - x[i]))
xnew[i] = mod2pi(x[i] + xnew[i+N])
return nothing

We will use *the same* `struct` to create a function for the Jacobian:

```@example MAIN
function (f::CoupledStandardMaps{M})(
J::AbstractMatrix, x, p, n) where {M}
ks, Γ = p
# x[i] ≡ θᵢ
# x[[idxsp1[i]]] ≡ θᵢ+₁
# x[[idxsm1[i]]] ≡ θᵢ-₁
@inbounds for i in f.idxs
cosθ = cos(x[i])
cosθp= cos(x[f.idxsp1[i]] - x[i])
cosθm= cos(x[f.idxsm1[i]] - x[i])
J[i+M, i] = ks[i]*cosθ + Γ*(cosθp + cosθm)
J[i+M, f.idxsm1[i]] = - Γ*cosθm
J[i+M, f.idxsp1[i]] = - Γ*cosθp
J[i, i] = 1 + J[i+M, i]
J[i, f.idxsm1[i]] = J[i+M, f.idxsm1[i]]
J[i, f.idxsp1[i]] = J[i+M, f.idxsp1[i]]
return nothing

This is possible because the system state is a `Vector` while the Jacobian is a `Matrix`, so multiple dispatch can differentiate between the two.

Notice in addition, that the Jacobian function accesses *only half the elements of the matrix*. This is intentional, and takes advantage of the fact that the
other half is constant. We can leverage this further, by making the Jacobian a sparse matrix. Because the `DynamicalSystem` constructors allow us to give in a pre-initialized Jacobian matrix, we take advantage of that and create:
```@example MAIN
using SparseArrays
J = zeros(eltype(u0), 2M, 2M)
# Set ∂/∂p entries (they are eye(M,M))
# And they dont change they are constants
for i in idxs
J[i, i+M] = 1
J[i+M, i+M] = 1
sparseJ = sparse(J)
csm(sparseJ, u0, p, 0) # apply Jacobian to initial state

Now we are ready to create our dynamical system

```@example MAIN
ds = DeterministicIteratedMap(csm, u0, p)

Of course, the reason we went through all this trouble was to make a [`TangentDynamicalSystem`](@ref), that can actually use the Jacobian function.

```@example MAIN
tands = TangentDynamicalSystem(ds; J = csm, J0 = sparseJ, k = M)

```@example MAIN
step!(tands, 5)

(the deviation vectors will increase in magnitude rapidly because the dynamical system is chaotic)
39 changes: 0 additions & 39 deletions docs/style.jl

This file was deleted.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/core/dynamicalsystem_interface.jl
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Concrete subtypes typically also contain more information than the above 3 items
In this scope dynamical systems have a known dynamic rule `f` defined as a
standard Julia function. _Observed_ or _measured_ data from a dynamical system
are represented using `AbstractStateSpaceSet` and are finite.
are represented using `StateSpaceSet` and are finite.
Such data are obtained from the [`trajectory`](@ref) function or
from an experimental measurement of a dynamical system with an unknown dynamic rule.
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/derived_systems/poincare/poincaremap.jl
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ A discrete time dynamical system that produces iterations over the Poincaré map
of the given continuous time `ds`. This map is defined as the sequence of points on the
Poincaré surface of section, which is defined by the `plane` argument.
See also [`StroboscopicMap`](@ref), [`poincaresos`](@ref), [`produce_orbitdiagram`](@ref).
See also [`StroboscopicMap`](@ref), [`poincaresos`](@ref).
## Keyword arguments
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