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Justin Langshaw edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 5 revisions

team member instructions:

download github gui

set up a folder for your project.

give me your github username, and I will add you as collaborator.

go online, and fork "Wild_Cats_Project" from my profile ""

click the clone button and open in gui. place it in the folder where you will edit files.

=========== every time you edit something ============

click fetch origin / sync

edit the file on your computer

go back into the gui, give summary AND description and click commit to master

click push changes/sync

click open on the, and you should be in your branch on the website.

click new pull request. Make sure the base fork says JustinLangshaw/Wild_Cats_Project and the head fork is your branch.

If everything was done right, it should say "Able to merge". Click Create pull request.

click JustinLangshaw as reviewer

wait for me to accept it, then you can see changes online in the master branch (my branch)


Clone this wiki locally