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This package caches arbitrary values, which can be recalled by specifying a key.


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This package cache arbitrary values which can be recalled by specifying a key.


Caching with number

You could cache a value with arbitrary type (e.g. double) giving number (e.g. double) as key, first value type is for the key.

    Cache<double, double> cacheByNumber;
    double key1 = 1.0;
    cacheByNumber.cache(key1, 2.0);

Now the Cache stores the value 2.0 with key 1.0. You could restore the value by matching the exact key. Which will return true and you can obtain the value by referencing with .value()

    // exact match
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(cacheByNumber.cached(key1).value(), 1.);

You can also do approximate matching by specifying one matching policy

    util_caching::policies::ApproximateNumber<double> approximateNumberPolicy{0.5};

with 0.5 threshold that the key should not differ with the stored key. Now you can recall the stored value giving the key:

    double key2{1.2};
    // approximate match
    EXPECT_TRUE(cacheByNumber.cached(key2, approximateNumberPolicy));
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(cacheByNumber.cached(key2, approximateNumberPolicy).value(), 1.);

Of course the value can not be recalled when the keys differ more than the threshold:

    double key3{1.6};
    // over threshold
    EXPECT_FALSE(cacheByNumber.cached(key3, approximateNumberPolicy));

Caching with time point

A more practical usage is to cache values by giving time point as key:

    using Time = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point;
    Cache<Time, double> cacheByTime;
    Time time1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
    cacheByTime.cache(time1, 1.);

Now you can recall the value by either do exact match:

    // exact match
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(cacheByTime.cached(time1).value(), 1.);

or by specifying one comparison policy and threshold (100ms for example), and recall by approximate match:

    Time time2 = time1 + 10ms;
    util_caching::policies::ApproximateTime<Time, std::chrono::milliseconds> approximateTimePolicy{100};
    // approximate match with miliseconds
    EXPECT_TRUE(cacheByTime.cached(time2, approximateTimePolicy));
    EXPECT_DOUBLE_EQ(cacheByTime.cached(time2, approximateTimePolicy).value(), 1.);

More usage please check the unittest.


Using Docker image

We provide a Dockerfile with the library already installed globally.

Clone or download this repository, then build and run the docker image with docker compose:

cd util_caching
docker compose build
docker compose run --rm util_caching

The library is installed in the Docker image under /usr/local/include/util_caching/ and /usr/local/lib/cmake/util_caching/. So, it can be easily loaded with CMake:

find_package(util_caching REQUIRED)

Building from source using CMake

First make sure all dependencies are installed:

  • Googletest (only if you want to build unit tests)

See also the Dockerfile for how to install these packages under Debian or Ubuntu.

Compile and install the project with CMake:

mkdir -p util_caching/build
cd util_caching/build
cmake ..
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install .


Using Docker image

Follow the steps above to setup the Docker image. Then, run the development image.

docker compose -f docker-compose.devel.yaml build
docker compose -f docker-compose.devel.yaml run --rm util_caching_devel

This mounts the source into the container's /home/blinky/util_caching folder. There, you can edit the source code, compile and run the tests etc.

Compiling unit tests using CMake

In order to compile with tests define BUILD_TESTS=true

mkdir -p util_caching/build
cd util_caching/build
cmake -DBUILD_TESTS=true ..
cmake --build .

Run all unit tests:

find -executable -type f -name '*-gtest-*' -exec {} \;

This will produce the full gtest output:

[==========] Running 3 tests from 1 test suite.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 3 tests from CacheTest
[ RUN      ] CacheTest.TestWithNumberKey
[       OK ] CacheTest.TestWithNumberKey (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] CacheTest.TestWithTimeKey
[       OK ] CacheTest.TestWithTimeKey (0 ms)
[ RUN      ] CacheTest.TestWithOtherComparisonPolicy
[       OK ] CacheTest.TestWithOtherComparisonPolicy (0 ms)
[----------] 3 tests from CacheTest (0 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 3 tests from 1 test suite ran. (0 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 3 tests.

Using ROS 1 and catkin

The demo/Dockerfile_ros shows that how util_caching can be used in a catkin project (it uses CMake under the hood anyways):

docker compose -f demo/docker-compose.ros.yaml build
docker compose -f demo/docker-compose.ros.yaml run --rm util_caching_ros

See demo/ for how to run the demo, showcasing the use of util_caching in a ROS node.


This package caches arbitrary values, which can be recalled by specifying a key.







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