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Runge93 edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 28 revisions

Welcome to the CorC wiki!

CorC is an editor to construct algorithms following the Correctness-by-Construction approach. The information flow implementation is explained on the following site CorC. The Web application of CorC is available at:

Correctness-by-Construction (CbC) is an approach to incrementally create correct programs. Guided by pre-/postcondition specications, a program is created using refinement rules, guaranteeing the resulting implementation is correct. We implemented a graphical and textual IDE to create programs following the CbC approach. Starting with an abstract specification, our tool supports CbC developers to refine a program by a sequence of refinement steps and to verify the correctness of these refinement steps using a theorem prover.


To install the CorC tool, you can use the update site or install the plugins in this repository. Eclipse Modeling Tools in the version Neon or newer is required

Installation with update site

  1. Check out the de.tu_bs.cs.isf.cbc.tool.update plugin
  2. In Eclipse Help > Install new software > Add... > Local > Navigate to the update site
  3. Select all features and continue the installation

Manual installation

  1. Check out all plugins from the master branch

  2. In de.tu-bs.cs.isf.cbc.model and in de.tu-bs.cs.isf.taxonomy.model
    Open File [...].genmodel
    Generate Model, Edit and Editor code

  3. Install dependencies manually:
    In Eclipse Help > Install new software
    Search and install Graphiti SDK Plus

    In Eclipse Help > Eclipse Marketplace
    Search and install JaMoPP
    Search and install Eclipse Xtext

    Visit and follow the introductions to install KeY (KeY-Based Eclipse Projects)

  4. Create a second Eclipse Application configuration to use the editor

Instead of 3. the Installation with update site can be used, but only select the feature DependenciesFeature

Usage of the editor

New graphical editor files can be created by right clicking in the explorer New > Other > CorC > new CorC File > Next > CorC diagram and [name] and [path] > Finish

New textual editor files can be created by right clicking in the explorer New > Other > CorC > new CorC File > Next > CorC textual and [name] and [path] > Finish

The functionality of the editor can be seen in the following screencasts:

Full functionality of the editor

In this video, a linear search algorithm is constructed and proven in the graphical editor

If this is too long, a smaller example is shown here.

An example in textual editor is shown here.

Proofs with the editor

To prove a program in the graphical editor, you have to right click the concrete statement, a repetition statement, or a selection statement and choose Verify > Verify.... The shown helper.key file has to be created manually to specify specific predicates. Instead of predicates, Java methods can also be used in specification and code in the editor. The Java class has to be in the src-folder of the project.

To prove a program in the textual editor, you have to save the file and the KeY-problem-files are automatically generated. By selecting the files and pressing VerifyStatements in the tool bar, the proof starts automatically. In the editor, right click > Verification shows unproven statements. As in the graphical editor, helper methods and predicates have to be defined manually.

Traversal between both editors

To get from the graphical to the textual editor: right click > Edit > Generate textual representation

To get from the textual to the graphical editor: Select the associated cbcmodel file of the textual editor and press GenerateGraphical in the tool bar.