Genetic Algorithm code to solve Wind Farm Layout Optimisation Problem To use this code: refer gen_mul.m which is the master module.
Usage is: [lt,power,cos,n_t,eff,n] = gen_mul(x,y,wf)
where, Inputs to the model --> x - no.of rows (5D distance apart); D - turbine rotor Dia.
y - no.of columns (3D distance apart);
wf - refers to the wind farm case in the study
conducted (refer to:-
wf takes the values (1, 21, 22, 23, and 3);
Outputs from the model --> lt - best performing layout at each generation
power - power of the best performing layout at each generation
cos - cost of the best performing layout at each generation
n_t - no.of turbines in the best performing layout at each generation
eff - efficiency of the best performing layout at each generation
n - no.of generations/iterrations completed