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Planner Plugin

RobinB edited this page Aug 2, 2021 · 1 revision

LTL Planner Plugins

The planner offers an interface to run python plugins. Plugins are object classes with a set of standardized methods that will be called by the planner node.

Launching plugins

To launch a plugin, add the plugin in the "/plugin" parameter of the planner node.

  • Package and source file must be defined in "~plugin//path" on the format "package.source_file"
  • Additional argument needed by the plugin can be defined on "~pluging//args/"

Example setup for the trap detection (needed for HIL mix initiative control):

<include file="$(find ltl_automaton_planner)/launch/ltl_planner.launch">
    <arg name="initial_ts_state_from_agent" default="False"/>

<group ns="ltl_planner/plugin">
    <group ns="TrapDetectionPlugin">
        <param name="path" value="ltl_automaton_hil_mic.trap_detection"/>
        <param name="args" value=""/>

Plugin specifications


Name of the plugin should be the name of the class implementing it.


The init method should take as input the ltl_planner object reference and an argument dictionary even if no argument is needed.

class PluginClass(object):
    def __init__(self, ltl_planner, args_dict):

API methods

The plugins need to have the following API methods. If yhe method is not needed leave it empty:

  • init(): Called once at initialization
  • set_sub_and_pub(): Called after initialization to setup ROS subscribers, publishers, service clients & servers, action servers.
  • run_at_ts_update(ts_state): Called everytime a new TS state is received from the agent

Accessing LTL planner elements

The plugin will be run from the node upper layer. From within the plugin code, use to access:

  • ltl_planner:
  • Possible LTL states:
  • Current ts state:
  • Product graph:
  • TS graph:
  • Büchi graph:
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