v49 - GPU
14 commits
to main
since this release
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
abbreviate==0.1 <
adagio==0.8.4 <
adegenet==2.1.7 <
> AER==1.2-10
> afex==1.1-1
> AFR==0.1.0
ahptopsis2n==0.2.0 | AICcmodavg==2.3-1
> AID==2.7
alabama==2022.4-1 <
alpaca==0.3.3 | alphashape3d==1.3.1
amap==0.8-18 <
> anndata==
apcluster==1.4.10 <
> aplpack==1.3.5
> apollo==0.2.8
areaplot==1.2.2 | arm==1.13-1
arfima==1.8-0 <
aricode==1.0.0 <
arkhe==0.5.0 <
arrow==8.0.0 | arrow==9.0.0
arules==1.7-3 | arules==1.7-4
arulesSequences==0.2-25 <
> assertr==2.8
astsa==1.15 | astsa==1.16
> asymmetry==2.0.4
auditor==1.3.3 | autocogs==0.1.4
autoFRK==1.4.3 | autoencoder==1.1
autothresholdr==1.4.0 <
aws.s3==0.3.21 <
Ball==1.3.12 <
BAS==1.6.2 | barplot3d==1.0.1
base64==2.0 | base64==2.0.1
basedosdados==0.2.1 | baseballr==1.3.0
bayesforecast==1.0.1 | BayesFM==0.1.5
bazar==1.0.11 <
bbotk==0.5.3 | bbotk==0.5.4
bcp==4.0.3 <
bda==15.2.5 <
BDgraph==2.67 <
beanplot==1.3.1 <
berryFunctions==1.21.14 <
BET==0.5.0 <
> bib2df==1.1.1
> bibtex==
bigmemory==4.6.1 <
bigQueryR==0.5.0 <
> binancer==1.2.0
bindrcpp==0.2.2 | binman==0.1.3
binman==0.1.2 <
bios2mds==1.2.3 | Biodem==0.5
> BiodiversityR==2.14-4
bipartite==2.17 <
birk==2.1.2 <
biwavelet==0.20.21 | blavaan==0.4-3
> blme==1.0-5
blockcluster==4.5.1 <
bonsai==0.1.0 | Bolstad2==1.0-29
bookdown==0.27 | bonsai==0.2.0
> bookdown==0.29
> bootnet==1.5
Boruta==7.0.0 <
brant==0.3-0 <
brnn==0.9.2 <
broom==1.0.0 | broom==1.0.1
> brulee==0.1.0
bst==0.3-23 <
butcher==0.2.0 | bupaR==0.5.0
bvls==1.4 | butcher==0.3.0
> CADFtest==0.3-3
> cAIC4==1.0
callr==3.7.1 | callr==3.7.2
> candisc==0.8-6
> captioner==2.2.3
> car==3.1-0
> carat==2.0.2
> CARBayes==5.3
> CARBayesdata==3.0
caret==6.0-92 | caret==6.0-93
cartogram==0.2.2 | cartography==3.0.1
> cat==0.0-7
> causaldata==0.1.3
cba==0.2-21 | cbsodataR==0.5.1
cclust==0.6-24 <
> cdparcoord==1.0.1
cellWise==2.2.6 | cem==1.1.31
censored==0.1.0 <
censReg==0.5-34 <
ChannelAttribution==2.0.5 <
choiceDes==0.9-3 <
ChoiceModelR==1.3.0 <
CholWishart==1.1.2 <
> choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1
circular==0.4-95 | ckanr==0.6.0
cld2==1.2.1 | cleanNLP==3.0.4
cleanNLP==3.0.3 | cli==3.4.0
cleanr==1.3.4 <
cli==3.3.0 <
climate==1.0.4 <
clock==0.6.0 | clock==0.6.1
clusterSim==0.50-1 <
cmaes==1.0-12 <
> cNORM==3.0.2
> cobalt==4.4.0
collapse==1.8.6 | cointReg==0.2.0
collapsibleTree==0.1.7 | collapse==1.8.8
colordistance==1.1.2 | colorhcplot==1.3.1
colourvalues==0.3.7 <
commonmark==1.7 | commonmark==1.8.0
compare==0.2-6 <
comprehenr==0.6.10 | CompQuadForm==1.4.3
> confintr==0.1.2
contrast==0.24.1 | convertr==0.1
coop==0.6-3 | copula==1.1-0
copent==0.2 <
corels==0.0.4 | coro==1.0.3
coro==1.0.2 <
correlation==0.8.1 | correlation==0.8.2
correlationfunnel==0.2.0 <
corrr==0.4.3 | corrr==0.4.4
COUNT==1.3.4 <
covidcast==0.4.2 | covr==3.6.1
covr==3.5.1 <
> coxed==0.3.3
critpath==0.1.4 <
crosstable==0.4.1 <
crul==1.2.0 | crul==1.3
crunch==1.30.0 | crypto2==1.4.4
CTT==2.3.3 | csv==0.6.2
cubature== | cubature==
d3r==1.0.0 <
d3Tree==0.2.2 <
dae==3.2-13 <
dagitty==0.3-1 <
dataMaid==1.4.1 | datamods==1.3.4
dataMeta==0.1.1 <
datamods==1.3.3 <
> dataRetrieval==2.7.11
datasauRus==0.1.6 <
datasetsICR==1.0 <
datawizard==0.4.1 | datawizard==0.5.1
> datetime==0.1.4
> datos==0.5.0
> dbarts==0.9-22
dbnR==0.7.5 <
dcurver==0.9.2 <
ddalpha==1.3.13 <
deaR==1.2.5 <
DeclareDesign==1.0.0 <
deducorrect==1.3.7 <
deepnet==0.2.1 <
densEstBayes==1.0-2.1 <
> depmixS4==1.5-0
desc==1.4.1 | desc==1.4.2
DescTools==0.99.45 | DescTools==0.99.46
devtools==2.4.3 | devEMF==4.1
> devtools==2.4.1
dfoptim==2020.10-1 <
dHSIC==2.1 <
> DiagrammeRsvg==0.1
DiceKriging==1.6.0 <
dictionar6==0.1.3 <
dimensio==0.2.2 | DIMORA==0.3.0
DIMORA==0.2.0 <
discretization==1.0-1.1 <
discSurv==2.0.0 | dismo==1.3-8
dismo==1.3-5 | dispmod==1.2
distill==1.4 <
distr6==1.6.9 <
distributional==0.3.0 | distributional==0.3.1
dlm==1.1-5 | diversitree==0.9-16
dlnm==2.4.7 <
dlr==1.0.1 <
> docstring==1.0.0
dotenv==1.0.3 <
DoubleML==0.5.0 | DoubleML==0.5.1
downlit==0.4.2 <
dplR==1.7.4 | dplyr==1.0.10
dplyr==1.0.9 <
drat==0.2.3 | drc==3.0-1
DT==0.23 | DT==0.25
dtplyr==1.2.1 | dtplyr==1.2.2
dtwSat==0.2.7 | duckdb==0.5.0
duckdb==0.2.6 <
dvmisc==1.1.4 | dunn.test==1.3.5
dynpanel==0.1.0 | dynlm==0.3-6
easypackages==0.1.0 <
edfun==0.2.0 | ecm==6.3.0
> economiccomplexity==1.4.0
edgarWebR==1.1.0 | editData==0.1.8
editrules==2.9.3 | eeptools==1.2.4
eechidna==1.4.1 | effects==4.2-2
effectsize==0.7.0 | effectsize==
> eigenmodel==1.11
elmNNRcpp==1.0.4 <
emdist==0.3-2 | embed==1.0.0
emmeans==1.7.5 | EMCluster==0.2-14
emuR==2.3.0 | energy==1.7-10
engsoccerdata==0.1.5 | EnsCat==1.1
ensembleR==0.1.0 <
EpiNow2==1.3.2 | esquisse==1.1.2
epitools==0.5-10.1 | estimability==1.4.1
equatiomatic==0.3.1 <
ergm==4.2.2 <
esquisse==1.1.1 <
estimability==1.4 <
estimatr==1.0.0 <
ETLUtils==1.5 <
evaluate==0.15 | evaluate==0.16
evolqg==0.2-9 | eventdataR==0.3.1
> evir==1.7-4
> exact2x2==1.6.6
exactextractr==0.8.2 | exactci==1.4-2
> exactRankTests==0.8-35
explore==0.8.0 | explore==0.9.0
fable==0.3.1 | fable==0.3.2
fabricatr==1.0.0 <
FactoClass==1.2.7 <
FAdist==2.4 <
> faraway==1.0.8
> farff==1.1.1
fastAdaboost==1.0.0 | fastai==2.2.0
fastcluster==1.2.3 <
FastKNN==0.0.1 <
fastmatrix==0.4-12 | fastmatrix==0.4-124
fastshap==0.0.7 | fastrmodels==1.0.2
fBasics==3042.89.2 | faux==1.1.0
fclust==2.1.1 | fBasics==4021.92
feasts==0.2.2 | feasts==0.3.0
FeatureHashing== <
ffscrapr==1.4.7 | FFTrees==1.7.0
fGarch==4021.86 | fGarch==4021.87
fields==14.0 | fields==14.1
filehashSQLite==0.2-6 <
filematrix==1.3 | finalfit==1.0.5
finetune==0.2.0 | FinCal==0.6.3
fingerprint==3.5.7 | finetune==1.0.0
finreportr==1.0.4 <
fit.models==0.64 <
> flashClust==1.01-2
flexdashboard==0.5.2 | flexdashboard==0.6.0
flextable==0.7.2 | flextable==0.8.0
flsa==1.5.2 <
FME== <
> fMultivar==4021.83
fontawesome==0.2.2 | fontawesome==0.3.0
forcats==0.5.1 | forcats==0.5.2
forecast==8.16 | forecast==8.17.0
> ForecastComb==1.3.1
forecastML==0.9.0 <
fresh==0.2.0 | freqparcoord==1.0.1
fritools==3.5.1 | FRK==2.0.6
> FSA==0.9.3
FSinR==2.0.5 | fslr==2.25.2
fslr==2.25.1 | fst==0.9.4
fst==0.9.8 | fueleconomy==1.0.0
fstcore==0.9.12 | fUnitRoots==4021.80
functional==0.6 <
funtimes==8.2 | furrr==0.3.1
furrr==0.3.0 <
future==1.26.1 | future==1.28.0
future.apply==1.9.0 | future.apply==1.9.1
GA==3.2.2 | FuzzyR==2.3.2
gamlss.dist==6.0-3 | gamlss.dist==6.0-5
gap.datasets==0.0.5 <
gargle==1.2.0 | gargle==1.2.1
gbm==2.1.8 | gbm==
geepack==1.3.4 | geepack==1.3.9
geigen==2.3 <
gems==1.1.1 <
generalhoslem==1.3.4 <
geodata==0.4-6 <
geodist==0.0.7 <
geojson==0.3.4 <
geojsonio==0.9.4 <
geojsonR==1.1.0 <
> geomtextpath==0.1.1
> geoR==1.9-2
gert==1.6.0 | gert==1.8.0
getPass==0.2-2 | GetoptLong==1.0.5
gganimate==1.0.7 | gganimate==1.0.8
ggblanket==1.2.0 | ggborderline==0.1.0
ggdag==0.2.5 <
ggdist==3.1.1 | ggdist==3.2.0
ggeffects==1.1.2 | ggeffects==1.1.3
ggenealogy==1.0.1 <
ggforce==0.3.3 | ggforce==0.3.4
ggformula==0.10.1 | ggformula==0.10.2
ggfun==0.0.6 | ggfun==0.0.7
> ggfx==1.0.1
ggh4x==0.2.1 <
gghalfnorm==1.1.2 <
gginference==0.1.3 | ggiraph==0.8.3
ggiraph==0.8.2 <
> gglasso==1.5
ggmcmc== <
ggnetwork==0.5.10 <
ggOceanMaps==1.2.6 | ggparliament==2.0.0
ggparty==1.0.0 <
ggpattern==0.4.2 <
ggpmisc==0.4.7 | ggpmisc==0.5.0
ggpol==0.0.7 <
ggQC==0.0.31 | ggprism==1.0.3
ggraph==2.0.5 | ggpubr==0.4.0
> ggraph==2.0.6
ggseas==0.5.4 <
ggside==0.2.0 | ggside==0.2.1
> ggsn==0.5.0
> ggstatsplot==0.9.4
ggVennDiagram==1.2.0 | ggVennDiagram==1.2.2
githubinstall==0.2.2 <
glm2==1.2.1 | glmmTMB==1.1.4
glmmML==1.1.3 <
glmnetUtils==1.1.8 <
globals==0.15.1 | globals==0.16.1
Gmisc==3.0.0 <
gmm==1.6-6 <
gmt==2.0.3 <
goft==1.3.6 | gofCopula==0.4-1
> GoFKernel==2.1-1
googleAuthR==2.0.0 <
googleCloudStorageR==0.7.0 <
googlesheets4==1.0.0 | googlesheets4==1.0.1
graphlayouts==0.8.0 | graphlayouts==0.8.1
gravity==1.0 | greybox==1.0.5
greta==0.4.2 <
grf==2.1.0 <
gridpattern==0.5.3 <
grImport==0.9-5 <
grImport2==0.2-0 <
groupdata2==2.0.0 | groupdata2==2.0.1
grplasso==0.4-7 <
gsheet==0.4.5 | grr==0.9.5
> gsl==2.1-7.1
gsw==1.0-6 | gt==0.7.0
gsynth==1.2.1 | gtable==0.3.1
gt==0.6.0 | gtExtras==0.4.2
gtable==0.3.0 <
gtExtras==0.4.1 <
harmony==0.1.0 <
haven==2.5.0 | haven==2.5.1
> HDCI==1.0-2
hdi==0.1-9 <
healthcareai==2.5.0 | healthcareai==2.5.1
> heplots==1.3-9
HHG==2.3.4 <
> highfrequency==0.9.5
Hmisc==4.7-0 | hmeasure==1.0-2
hms==1.1.1 | Hmisc==4.7-1
hnp==1.2-6 | hms==1.1.2
> HRW==1.0-5
hsdar==1.0.4 | HSAUR2==1.1-19
httpcache==1.2.0 <
httpuv==1.6.5 | httpuv==1.6.6
httr==1.4.3 | httr==1.4.4
hunspell==3.0.1 | humaniformat==0.6.0
> humanize==0.2.0
> hunspell==3.0.2
huxtable==5.5.0 <
hydroGOF==0.4-0 <
hyperSpec==0.100.0 <
ibdreg==0.3.6 <
icesTAF==3.6.0 | icesTAF==4.0.0
igraph==1.3.3 | igraph==1.3.4
ijtiff==2.2.7 <
ImaginR==0.1.7 <
iml==0.11.0 | iml==0.11.1
import==1.3.0 | imputeMissings==0.0.3
imputeTS==3.2 | imputeTS==3.3
inaparc==1.2.0 <
independence==1.0.1 <
iNEXT==2.0.20 | iNEXT==3.0.0
infer==1.0.2 | infer==1.0.3
insight==0.18.0 | insight==0.18.2
inspectdf==0.0.11 | inspectdf==0.0.12
ir==0.2.1 <
> isdals==3.0.0
isotree==0.5.15 <
> itertools==0.1-3
itsmr==1.9 | janeaustenr==1.0.0
ivmodel==1.9.0 <
ivsacim==2.1.0 <
janeaustenr==0.1.5 <
JGL==2.3.1 | jcolors==0.0.4
jiebaR==0.11 | jmvcore==2.3.12
jiebaRD==0.1 | jomo==2.7-3
Jmisc== <
jqr==1.2.3 <
JuliaCall==0.17.4 | JuliaCall==0.17.5
kairos==1.1.0 | kehra==0.1
kamila==0.1.2 <
kerasR==0.6.1 <
KFAS==1.4.6 | khroma==1.9.0
kinship2==1.8.5 | kit==0.0.11
klustR==0.1.0 | km.ci==0.5-6
knitr==1.39 | knitr==1.40
kohonen==3.0.11 <
kpeaks==1.1.0 | ks==1.13.5
L1pack==0.40 | kutils==1.70
> L1pack==0.41
LabRS==0.1.0 | labelVector==0.1.2
> laeken==0.5.2
lagged==0.3-1 | lagged==0.3.2
languageR==1.5.0 <
lares==5.1.2 | lares==5.1.4
latex2exp==0.9.4 | latex2exp==0.9.5
LatticeKrig==8.4 <
lawstat==3.4 | lavaanPlot==0.6.2
> lawstat==3.5
> lazyWeave==3.0.2
leaderCluster==1.2 <
leaflet==2.1.1 | leaflet==
leafsync==0.1.0 <
leaftime==0.2.0 <
LearnBayes==2.15.1 | leiden==0.4.3
learningr==0.29.1 <
learnr==0.10.1 <
leiden==0.4.2 <
lessR==4.2.2 | lessR==4.2.3
lestat==1.9 <
lexiconPT==0.1.0 <
lgr==0.4.3 | lgr==0.4.4
lidR==4.0.1 | librarian==1.8.1
lifecycle==1.0.1 | lifecycle==1.0.2
> lift==0.0.2
lime==0.5.2 | lime==0.5.3
linelist==0.0.1 <
lintr==3.0.0 | lintr==3.0.1
listcomp==0.4.1 | lisrelToR==0.1.5
listviewer==3.0.0 <
> lme4==1.1-30
> lmerTest==3.1-3
lmomco==2.3.7 | lmPerm==2.1.0
Lmoments==1.3-1 <
lmvar==1.5.2 <
> logger==0.2.2
logistf==1.24.1 <
logspline==2.1.17 <
> longitudinalData==2.4.1
lordif==0.3-3 | lpSolve==5.6.16
LowRankQP==1.0.5 | lpSolveAPI==
lpSolve==5.6.15 <
lpSolveAPI== <
lqmm==1.5.8 <
lsmeans==2.30-0 <
> lunar==0.2-1
magicfor==0.1.0 <
mapboxapi==0.4 | MAPA==2.0.5
mapdeck==0.3.4 <
marg==1.2-2.1 <
marima==2.2 <
matchingR==1.3.3 <
> matlab==1.0.4
> matlib==0.9.5
MatrixExtra==0.1.10 | MatrixExtra==0.1.13
MatrixModels==0.5-0 | MatrixModels==0.5-1
> Matrix.utils==0.9.8
> maxstat==0.7-25
mbsts==2.2 <
> mcclust==1.0.1
mcmcOutput==0.1.1 <
Mcomp==2.8 | mcmcse==1.5-0
mctest==1.3.1 | mco==1.15.6
meanShiftR==0.56 | measures==0.3
measurements==1.4.0 | mediation==4.5.0
mediacloudr==0.1.0 <
mem==2.17 <
MESS==0.5.9 | merTools==0.5.2
> meta==5.5-0
metafor==3.4-0 | metafor==3.8-1
> metaviz==0.3.1
metR==0.12.0 <
mets==1.2.9 | mets==1.3.0
> mi==1.1
> miceadds==3.14-3
> micemd==1.8.0
microsynth==2.0.31 <
minerva==1.5.10 <
mirt==1.36.1 | misaem==1.0.1
> misc3d==0.9-1
> missForest==1.5
missRanger==2.1.3 | mistr==0.0.5
> mitml==0.4-3
> mixmeta==1.2.0
> mixsqp==0.3-43
mlegp==3.1.9 <
mlr3==0.13.3 | mlr3==0.14.0
mlr3cluster==0.1.3 | mlr3cluster==0.1.4
mlr3data==0.6.0 | mlr3data==0.6.1
mlr3filters==0.5.0 | mlr3filters==0.6.0
mlr3fselect==0.7.1 | mlr3fselect==0.7.2
mlr3hyperband==0.4.1 | mlr3hyperband==0.4.2
mlr3learners==0.5.3 | mlr3learners==0.5.4
mlr3measures==0.4.1 | mlr3measures==0.5.0
mlr3tuning==0.13.1 | mlr3tuning==0.14.0
mlr3viz==0.5.9 | mlr3viz==0.5.10
mltest==1.0.1 <
MMWRweek==0.1.3 | mmap==0.6-19
mob==0.4.2 <
modeldata==1.0.0 | modeest==2.4.0
> modeldata==1.0.1
modelplotr==1.1.0 | modelr==0.1.9
modelr==0.1.8 <
morphemepiece==1.2.3 | mosaic==1.8.4
morphemepiece.data==1.2.0 | mosaicCalc==0.5.1
mosaic==1.8.3 | mosaicCore==0.9.2
mosaicCore==0.9.0 | mosaicData==0.20.3
mosaicData==0.20.2 <
mpath==0.4-2.22 <
mrfDepth==1.0.13 <
msgps==1.3.4 <
msme==0.5.3 <
MSwM==1.5 | MTS==1.2.1
> mtsdi==0.3.5
multcomp==1.4-19 | multcomp==1.4-20
multgee==1.8.0 | multicool==0.1-12
multilinguer==0.2.2 | MultivariateAnalysis==0.4.4
multipanelfigure==2.1.2 <
MultiRNG==1.2.4 <
MuMIn==1.46.0 <
mutSignatures==2.1.1 | MVA==1.0-8
> mvmeta==1.0.3
> MVN==5.9
mvProbit==0.1-10 <
nabor==0.5.0 <
nasapower==4.0.7 | nasaweather==0.1
NatureSounds==1.0.4 <
> ncdump==0.0.3
nCov2019==0.4.5 <
ncpen==1.0.0 <
ncvreg==3.13.0 <
NetworkComparisonTest==2.2.1 <
> NetworkToolbox==1.4.2
> networktools==1.5.0
nflreadr==1.2.0 | nfl4th==1.0.2
ngram==3.2.1 | nflfastR==4.4.0
NHANES==2.1.0 | nflplotR==1.1.0
nhanesA== | nflreadr==1.3.0
> nflseedR==1.1.0
> nflverse==1.0.2
> ngramrr==0.2.0
NlcOptim==0.6 | nleqslv==3.3.3
nleqslv==3.3.2 | nloptr==2.0.3
nlstools==2.0-0 | nnfor==0.9.8
nonlinearTseries==0.2.12 | nonnest2==0.5-5
> normalr==1.0.0
np==0.60-11 | np==0.60-14
nptest==1.0-3 | nricens==1.6
nsprcomp==0.5.1-2 | nullabor==0.3.9
nsyllable==1.0.1 <
oce==1.7-8 <
oceanmap==0.1.1 <
oddsratio==2.0.1 | officer==0.4.4
OECD==0.2.5 | olsrr==0.5.3
officer==0.4.3 <
ompr==1.0.2 <
onehot==0.1.1 <
ooplah==0.2.0 | onewaytests==2.6
OpenImageR==1.2.2 | openblender==0.5.81
openintro==2.3.0 | OpenImageR==1.2.5
> openintro==2.4.0
openssl==2.0.2 | openssl==2.0.3
opera==1.2.0 <
optimParallel==1.0-2 <
> optmatch==0.10.5
ordinalNet==2.12 <
oro.nifti==0.11.2 | oro.nifti==0.11.4
overlapping==1.7 | outreg==0.2.2
> overlapping==1.8
> ozmaps==0.4.5
PakPC2017==1.0.0 | pageviews==0.5.0
paletteer==1.4.0 | paletteer==1.4.1
palmerpenguins==0.1.0 | palmerpenguins==0.1.1
pamr==1.56.1 | pals==1.7
> pan==1.6
panelView==1.1.9 | paradox==0.10.0
paradox==0.9.0 | parallelly==1.32.1
parallelly==1.32.0 <
param6==0.2.4 | parameters==0.18.2
parameters==0.18.1 <
parsnip==1.0.0 | parsnip==1.0.1
> partools==1.1.6
patchwork== | patchwork==
> pbkrtest==0.5.1
> pbmcapply==1.5.1
> PBSddesolve==1.12.6
> pdc==1.0.3
pdynmc==0.9.7 <
PearsonDS==1.2.2 <
pedometrics==0.12.1 <
PEIP==2.2-3 <
penalizedLDA==1.1 | performance==0.9.2
penalizedSVM==1.1.3 <
performance==0.9.1 <
perm==1.0-0.2 | PermAlgo==1.2
> permimp==1.0-2
perry==0.3.1 | petrinetR==0.2.1
pgmm==1.2.6 <
picante==1.8.2 | pillar==1.8.1
piecemaker==1.0.1 | pins==1.0.2
pillar==1.8.0 <
pins==1.0.1 <
pkgsearch==3.1.1 | PlayerRatings==1.1-0
plan==0.4-4 | plgp==1.1-11
plm==2.6-1 | plm==2.6-2
> plot3D==1.4
plotluck==1.1.1 <
plumber==1.2.0 <
PMCMR==4.4 | PNADcIBGE==0.7.0
poismf==0.4.0 <
> polite==0.1.2
Polychrome==1.5.1 <
poorman==0.2.5 | polyreg==0.8.0
popsom==6.0 | poorman==0.2.6
posterior==1.2.2 | PostcodesioR==0.3.1
poweRlaw==0.70.6 | posterior==1.3.1
ppclust==1.1.0 <
prettyR==2.2-3 <
priceR==0.1.62 | priceR==0.1.64
prismatic==1.1.0 | prismatic==1.1.1
probably==0.0.6 | probably==0.1.0
> profvis==0.3.7
> progenyClust==1.2
progressr==0.10.1 | progressr==0.11.0
> ProjectTemplate==0.10.2
> projmgr==0.1.0
propagate==1.0-6 <
protr==1.6-2 <
proxyC==0.2.4 | proxyC==0.3.2
psy==1.2 | pspline==1.0-19
PtProcess==3.3-16 <
ptw==1.9-16 <
pvclust==2.2-0 <
> pxweb==0.16.1
qlcMatrix==0.9.7 <
qs==0.25.3 | qrmdata==2022-05-31-1
> qrmtools==0.0-16
> qs==0.25.4
> qtlmt==0.1-6
> qualV==0.3-4
quanteda==3.2.1 | quanteda==3.2.3
quantreg==5.93 | quantreg==5.94
> queryparser==0.3.1
queuecomputer==1.1.0 <
queueing==0.2.12 <
qwraps2==0.5.2 <
R2HTML==2.3.3 <
rAmCharts==2.1.13 | ragg==1.2.2
randomizr==0.22.0 <
randomNames==1.5-0.0 <
> randtoolbox==2.0.2
rapidoc==8.4.3 | RApiSerialize==0.1.2
RApiSerialize==0.1.0 <
raster==3.5-21 | raster==3.5-29
rbcb==0.1.10 | rBayesianOptimization==1.2.0
rbenchmark==1.0.0 | rbibutils==2.2.9
rbibutils==2.2.8 <
Rborist==0.2-3 | R.cache==0.16.0
R.cache==0.15.0 | rcartocolor==2.0.0
rchess==0.1 <
> Rcmdr==2.8-0
> RcmdrMisc==2.7-2
RcppArmadillo== | RcppArmadillo==
RcppCNPy==0.2.11 <
RcppDE==0.1.6 <
RcppNumerical==0.4-0 | RcppHNSW==0.4.1
Rcsdp== | RCurl==1.98-1.8
RCurl==1.98-1.7 | Rdpack==2.4
RDota2==0.1.6 <
Rdpack==2.3.1 <
Rdsdp== <
rdwd==1.6.0 <
reactablefmtr==2.0.0 <
> readODS==1.7.0
readsdmx==0.3.0 <
readxl==1.4.0 | readtext==0.81
> readxl==1.4.1
rearrr==0.3.0 | rearrr==0.3.1
> rebmix==2.14.2
recommenderlab==1.0.1 | recommenderlab==1.0.2
> regclass==1.6
ReinforcementLearning==1.0.5 | regtools==1.7.0
reldist==1.7-1 <
renv==0.15.5 | report==0.5.5
reporttools==1.1.3 <
reprex==2.0.0 | reprex==2.0.2
reticulate==1.25 | reticulate==1.26
retrosheet==1.1.4 <
rFerns==5.0.0 <
RGCCA==2.1.2 | rfUtilities==2.1-5
rgenoud==5.9-0.3 <
RGraphics==3.0-2 <
RImagePalette==0.1.1 <
> riskR==1.1
> RISmed==2.3.0
> rje==1.11.0
rlang==1.0.4 | rlang==1.0.5
rlas==1.6.0 | rlemon==0.2.0
rle==0.9.2 <
Rlof==1.1.2 | RLRsim==3.1-8
Rmagic==2.0.3 | RMariaDB==1.1.1
RMariaDB==1.2.2 | rmarkdown==2.16
rmarkdown==2.14 | R.matlab==3.7.0
> rmda==1.6
rMIDAS==0.4.1 | rminer==1.4.6
Rmisc==1.5.1 <
Rmixmod==2.1.6 <
rmweather==0.1.51 <
> rngWELL==0.10-7
robust==0.7-1 <
robustHD==0.7.2 | robustlmm==3.0-2
> Robyn==3.7.2
> rockchalk==1.8.157
> roperators==1.2.0
RoughSets==1.3-7 | roxygen2==7.2.1
roxygen2==7.2.0 <
RPMG==2.2-3 <
rpostgis==1.4.3 <
RPostgreSQL==0.7-3 | RPostgreSQL==0.7-4
> rPref==1.3
rqPen==2.3 <
rrcov==1.7-0 <
rsample==1.0.0 | rrtable==0.3.0
> rsample==1.1.0
RSEIS==4.1-1 | RSelenium==1.7.9
RSelenium==1.7.7 <
RSNNS==0.4-14 | RSGHB==1.2.2
rsparse==0.5.0 | rsparse==0.5.1
RSQLite==2.2.15 | rsq==2.5
Rssa==1.0.4 | RSQLite==2.2.17
> Rssa==1.0.5
rstan==2.21.5 | rstan==2.21.7
> rstanarm==2.21.3
RStoolbox==0.3.0 | rstatix==0.7.0
rstudioapi==0.13 | rstudioapi==0.14
rTensor==1.4.8 | rsvg==2.3.1
rtkore==1.5.5 | RTextTools==1.4.3
> rTLS==
rtweet==0.7.0 | rtweet==1.0.2
rucm==0.6 | rugarch==1.4-8
runner==0.4.1 <
> RVerbalExpressions==0.1.0
rvest==1.0.2 | rvest==1.0.3
rwa==0.0.3 | rvg==0.2.5
Rwave==2.6-0 <
rworldmap==1.3-6 <
rworldxtra==1.01 <
rwunderground==0.1.8 | s2==1.1.0
s2==1.0.7 | sampleSelection==1.2-12
sankeywheel==0.1.0 | sarima==0.9.1
santoku==0.8.0 <
sarima==0.9 <
scales==1.2.0 | scales==1.2.1
scalreg==1.0.1 <
scatterplot3d==0.3-41 | scatterplot3d==0.3-42
scholar==0.2.3 | sccore==1.0.2
scico==1.3.0 | scico==1.3.1
SCINA==1.2.0 | score==1.0.2
SciViews==0.9-13.1 <
scorecard==0.3.8 <
scrypt==0.1.4 | sctransform==0.3.4
SCtools== <
sctransform==0.3.3 <
> seagull==1.1.0
> see==0.7.2
segregation==0.6.0 <
> sem==3.1-15
> semPower==1.2.0
> semtree==0.9.18
> SentimentAnalysis==1.3-4
sessioninfo==1.2.2 | sessioninfo==1.1.1
set6==0.2.4 <
SeuratObject==4.1.0 | SeuratObject==4.1.1
sgd==1.1.1 <
shapefiles==0.7 | shapefiles==0.7.2
shiny==1.7.1 | SHAPforxgboost==0.1.1
> shiny==1.7.2
shinydashboardPlus==2.0.3 <
shinyLP==1.1.2 <
shinymanager==1.0.400 <
shinyWidgets==0.7.1 | shinyWidgets==0.7.3
sidrar==0.2.9 <
sigmoid==1.4.0 <
SimDesign==2.8 | SimDesign==2.9.1
simex==1.8 | simFrame==0.5.4
simstudy==0.5.0 | simputation==0.2.8
> simr==1.0.6
SixSigma==0.10.3 <
sjSDM==1.0.2 | SkewHyperbolic==0.4-0
> smacof==2.1-5
smoothr==0.2.2 | smbinning==0.9
> smooth==3.1.6
sn==2.0.2 | sn==2.1.0
snowfall==1.84-6.2 | SOAR==0.99-11
SoDA==1.0-6.1 <
sodium==1.2.1 <
softImpute==1.4-1 <
sonar==1.0.2 | sommer==4.2.0
spam==2.9-0 | spam==2.9-1
sparkline==2.0 | sparklyr==1.7.8
sparklyr== <
sparseLDA==0.1-9 | sparseinv==0.1.3
sparsesvd==0.2 | sparsepca==0.1.2
sparsio==1.0.1 | sparseSVM==1.1-6
spatialreg==1.2-3 <
spatialRF==1.1.3 <
spatialwidget==0.2.3 <
spData==2.0.1 | spd==2.0-1
spdep==1.2-4 | spData==2.2.0
> spdep==1.2-5
SPEI==1.7 | spFSR==1.0.0
spgs==1.0-3 <
> spikeslab==1.1.6
Splinets==1.0.0 <
splm==1.5-3 <
> sport==0.2.0
sprtt==0.1.0 <
spsh==1.1.0 <
> ssanv==1.1
ssr==0.1.1 | stable==1.1.6
stars==0.5-5 | stars==0.5-6
Stat2Data==2.0.0 | statBasics==0.2.0
statebins==1.4.0 | statgenGWAS==1.0.8
StatMatch==1.4.1 | statip==0.2.3
statmod==1.4.36 | statmod==1.4.37
statnet.common==4.6.0 | statnet.common==4.7.0
> stats19==2.0.0
> statsExpressions==1.3.3
STFTS==0.1.0 <
> stmCorrViz==1.3
> str2str==0.2.1
strex==1.4.2 <
stringr==1.4.0 | stringr==1.4.1
> striprtf==0.5.3
sunburstR==2.1.6 | subplex==1.8
> summarytools==1.0.1
survivalmodels==0.1.13 | SurvMetrics==0.5.0
survPen==1.5.2 | survminer==0.4.9
survRM2==1.0-4 | survMisc==0.5.6
> susieR==0.12.27
> svgtools==1.1.0
swagger==3.33.1 <
> swirl==2.4.5
Synth==1.1-6 <
> systemfit==1.1-28
tab==5.1.1 <
table1==1.4.2 <
tabula==1.7.0 | TAF==4.0.0
targets==0.12.1 | targets==0.13.1
tayloRswift==0.1.0 | taylor==1.0.0
> tcltk2==1.2-11
terra==1.5-34 | terra==1.6-17
text2vec==0.6.1 | text2vec==0.6.2
textdata==0.4.2 | textdata==0.4.4
textreg==0.1.5 <
> textshaping==0.3.6
tfaddons==0.10.0 <
tfruns==1.5.0 | tfruns==1.5.1
tgp==2.4-18 | tgp==2.4-19
> Thermimage==4.1.3
tibble==3.1.7 | tibble==3.1.8
tictoc==1.0.1 | tictoc==1.1
tidyfst==1.6.5 <
tidygraph==1.2.1 | tidygraph==1.2.2
tidyjson==0.3.1 <
tidyquant==1.0.4 | tidyquant==1.0.5
tidyr==1.2.0 | tidyquery==0.2.3
> tidyr==1.2.1
tidytable==0.8.0 | tidytable==0.8.1
tidytext==0.3.3 | tidytext==0.3.4
tidyverse==1.3.1 | tidyverse==1.3.2
timeDate==3043.102 | timeDate==4021.104
tinytex==0.40 | tinytex==0.41
tippy==0.1.0 <
tmap==3.3-3 <
TMB==1.9.0 | TMB==1.9.1
tmcn==0.2-13 <
tmvtnorm==1.5 | tmvnsim==1.0-2
toOrdinal==1.3-0.0 <
topsis==1.0 | torch==0.8.1
torch==0.8.0 | torchdatasets==0.1.0
> torchopt==0.1.2
tradepolicy==0.6.0 | TOSTER==0.4.1
transport==0.12-2 | transformr==0.1.4
> trekcolors==0.1.3
> trekfont==0.9.5
> trelliscopejs==0.2.6
> trimcluster==0.1-5
trust==0.1-8 <
> TSclust==1.3.1
> TSdist==3.7.1
tsibble==1.1.1 | tsibble==1.1.2
tsibbledata==0.4.0 | tsibbledata==0.4.1
tsModel==0.6-1 <
tspmeta==1.2 <
> tsutils==0.9.3
> tuber==0.9.9
tvthemes==1.3.0 | tvthemes==1.3.1
tweenr==1.0.2 | tweenr==2.0.2
twosamples==2.0.0 <
typed==0.0.1 <
umap== | uklr==1.0.2
> umap==
> unikn==0.5.0
univOutl==0.4 | unmarked==1.2.5
urca==1.3-0 | urca==1.3-3
USAboundaries==0.4.0 <
usefun==0.4.8 <
utiml==0.1.7 <
uwot==0.1.11 | uwot==0.1.14
V8==4.2.0 | V8==4.2.1
> varImp==0.4
> VarSelLCM==
> varSelRF==0.7-8
> VCA==1.4.5
vegalite==0.6.1 <
vembedr==0.1.5 <
vetiver==0.1.6 <
vimpclust==0.1.0 | VIM==6.2.2
viridisLite==0.4.0 | viridisLite==0.4.1
vistime==1.2.1 <
visualize==4.4.0 <
vitae==0.5.1 <
vrtest==1.0 <
> vtree==5.4.6
waiter==0.2.5 <
wavelets==0.3-0.2 <
waveslim==1.8.3 <
wdman==0.2.5 | wdman==0.2.6
> webchem==1.1.3
> webr==0.1.5
webtools==0.7.11 | WeightIt==0.13.1
webutils==1.1 | weights==1.0.4
WeightSVM==1.7-11 <
whoami==1.3.0 | widyr==
widgetframe==0.3.1 <
widyr== <
WikipediR==1.5.0 <
wildcard==1.1.0 <
wordspace==0.2-7 <
worldfootballR==0.5.7 <
wrassp==1.0.1 <
> WRS2==1.1-4
x12==1.10.3 <
XBRL== | xfun==0.33
xfun==0.31 <
XML2R==0.0.6 <
xSub==3.0.2 <
yacca==1.4-2 <
yardstick==1.0.0 | yardstick==1.1.0
yesno==0.1.2 | yfR==1.0.2
ZIM==1.1.0 | zip==2.1.1
zip==2.2.0 <
zipcodeR==0.3.4 <
> zoom==2.0.6
== Comparing pip freeze ==
asttokens==2.0.5 | asttokens==2.0.8
attrs==21.4.0 | attrs==22.1.0
certifi==2022.6.15 | certifi==2022.6.15.2
charset-normalizer==2.1.0 | charset-normalizer==2.1.1
debugpy==1.6.2 | debugpy==1.6.3
executing==0.8.3 | executing==1.0.0
idna==3.3 | idna==3.4
importlib-resources==5.8.0 | importlib-resources==5.9.0
ipykernel==6.15.1 | ipykernel==6.15.3
ipython==8.4.0 | ipython==8.5.0
ipywidgets==7.7.1 | ipywidgets==8.0.2
json5==0.9.8 | json5==0.9.10
jsonschema==4.7.2 | jsonschema==4.16.0
jupyter-client==7.3.4 <
jupyterlab==3.4.3 | jupyter_client==7.3.5
jupyterlab-lsp==3.10.1 | jupyterlab==3.4.7
> jupyterlab-lsp==3.10.2
jupyterlab-server==2.15.0 | jupyterlab-widgets==3.0.3
jupyterlab-widgets==1.1.1 | jupyterlab_server==2.15.1
> lxml==4.9.1
matplotlib-inline==0.1.3 | matplotlib-inline==0.1.6
mistune==0.8.4 | mistune==2.0.4
nbclient==0.6.6 | nbclient==0.6.8
nbconvert==6.5.0 | nbconvert==7.0.0
nbformat==5.4.0 | nbformat==5.5.0
papermill==2.3.4 | papermill==2.4.0
> pkgutil_resolve_name==1.3.10
prompt-toolkit==3.0.30 | prompt-toolkit==3.0.31
psutil==5.9.1 | psutil==5.9.2
Pygments==2.12.0 | Pygments==2.13.0
pytz==2022.1 | pytz==2022.2.1
pyzmq==23.2.0 | pyzmq==23.2.1
qtconsole==5.3.1 | qtconsole==5.3.2
QtPy==2.1.0 | QtPy==2.2.0
sniffio==1.2.0 | sniffio==1.3.0
stack-data==0.3.0 | stack-data==0.5.0
> tomli==2.0.1
tqdm==4.64.0 | tqdm==4.64.1
traitlets==5.3.0 | traitlets==5.4.0
urllib3==1.26.10 | urllib3==1.26.12
websocket-client==1.3.3 | websocket-client==1.4.1
widgetsnbextension==3.6.1 | widgetsnbextension==4.0.3
== Comparing cat /etc/os-release | grep -oP "PRETTY_NAME=\"\K([^\"]*)" ==
No diff
== Comparing uname -r ==
No diff
== Comparing dpkg --list | awk '{print $2"=="$3}' ==
cuda-toolkit-11-config-common==11.7.60-1 | cuda-toolkit-11-config-common==11.7.99-1
cuda-toolkit-config-common==11.7.60-1 | cuda-toolkit-config-common==11.7.99-1
curl==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.12 | curl==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.13
gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.2 | gir1.2-gdkpixbuf-2.0:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.4
gir1.2-harfbuzz-0.0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4 | gir1.2-harfbuzz-0.0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4.2
gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:amd64==1.16.2-4ubuntu0.1 | gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:amd64==1.16.3-0ubuntu1.1
libcurl4:amd64==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.12 | libcurl4:amd64==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.13
libcurl4-openssl-dev:amd64==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.12 | libcurl4-openssl-dev:amd64==7.68.0-1ubuntu2.13
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.2 | libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.4
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.2 | libgdk-pixbuf2.0-bin==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.4
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.2 | libgdk-pixbuf2.0-common==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.4
libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.2 | libgdk-pixbuf2.0-dev:amd64==2.40.0+dfsg-3ubuntu0.4
libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64==1.16.2-4ubuntu0.1 | libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-0:amd64==1.16.3-0ubuntu1.1
libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64==1.16.2-2 | libgstreamer1.0-0:amd64==1.16.3-0ubuntu1.1
libharfbuzz-dev:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4 | libharfbuzz-dev:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4.2
libharfbuzz-gobject0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4 | libharfbuzz-gobject0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4.2
libharfbuzz-icu0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4 | libharfbuzz-icu0:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4.2
libharfbuzz0b:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4 | libharfbuzz0b:amd64==2.6.4-1ubuntu4.2
libpoppler-cpp-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1 | libpoppler-cpp-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.1
libpoppler-cpp0v5:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1 | libpoppler-cpp0v5:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.1
libpoppler-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1 | libpoppler-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.1
libpoppler-private-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1 | libpoppler-private-dev:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.1
libpoppler97:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1 | libpoppler97:amd64==0.86.1-0ubuntu1.1
libtiff-dev:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.3 | libtiff-dev:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4
libtiff5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.3 | libtiff5:amd64==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4
libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.3 | libtiff5-dev==4.1.0+git191117-2ubuntu0.20.04.4
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