v48 - GPU
released this
20 Jul 14:37
16 commits
to main
since this release
[This image will be available on Kaggle Notebooks in the next few days]
== Comparing Rscript /tools/r_list_versions.R | sort ==
> agridat==1.21
baseline==1.3-1 | baseline==1.3-4
BayesDA==2012.04-1 | BayesFactor==0.9.12-4.4
BayesFactor==0.9.12-4.3 | bayesforecast==1.0.1
> bayesGARCH==2.1.10
> bazar==1.0.11
> BB==2019.10-1
BDEsize==1.6 <
Benchmarking==0.30 <
> BioStatR==3.1.2
> bonsai==0.1.0
bpa==0.1.1 <
broom==0.8.0 | broom==1.0.0
broom.helpers==1.7.0 | broom.helpers==1.8.0
bslib==0.3.1 | bslib==0.4.0
BVAR==1.0.3 <
cachem==1.0.5 | cachem==1.0.6
Cairo==1.5-15 | Cairo==1.6-0
callr==3.7.0 | callr==3.7.1
> catdata==1.2.2
> censored==0.1.0
> ChannelAttribution==2.0.5
choroplethrAdmin1==1.1.1 <
> clusterability==
clustree==0.5.0 <
> cocor==1.1-4
> colourvalues==0.3.7
Compind==2.5 <
convertr==0.1 <
corpus==0.10.2 <
> COUNT==1.3.4
crypto2==1.4.3 <
datamods==1.3.2 | datamods==1.3.3
dataPreparation==1.0.4 | dataPreparation==1.0.5
> ddalpha==1.3.13
> DeclareDesign==1.0.0
dendextend==1.15.2 | dendextend==1.16.0
deSolve==1.32 | deSolve==1.33
> Dict==0.1.0
dimRed==0.2.5 | dimRed==0.2.6
> discretization==1.0-1.1
downlit==0.4.1 | downlit==0.4.2
> dtwSat==0.2.7
dynamicTreeCut==1.63-1 | dynpanel==0.1.0
> edfun==0.2.0
edgebundleR==0.1.4 <
embed==0.2.0 <
> emuR==2.3.0
estimability==1.3 | estimability==1.4
estimatr==0.30.6 | estimatr==1.0.0
evd==2.3-6 | evd==2.3-6.1
> fabricatr==1.0.0
> FactoClass==1.2.7
> fANCOVA==0.6-1
farver==2.1.0 | farver==2.1.1
> fasterize==1.0.3
> FastKNN==0.0.1
fastmatrix==0.4-1 | fastmatrix==0.4-12
fDMA==2.2.6 <
> fdth==1.2-6
fGarch==3042.83.2 | fGarch==4021.86
fields==13.3 | fields==14.0
ForeCA==0.2.7 <
fpow==0.0-2 <
> fpp2==2.4
frequency==0.4.1 | fresh==0.2.0
fritools==3.5.0 | fritools==3.5.1
gam==1.20.1 | gam==1.20.2
generics==0.1.2 | generics==0.1.3
> GenOrd==1.4.0
> geodata==0.4-6
geometry==0.4.6 | geometry==
> getPass==0.2-2
> ggblanket==1.2.0
> ggdag==0.2.5
ggsn==0.5.0 | ggspatial==1.1.6
ggspatial==1.1.5 <
gld==2.6.4 | gld==2.6.5
GoFKernel==2.1-1 | goft==1.3.6
googleway==2.7.6 <
Greg==1.4.0 <
> grf==2.1.0
> gsw==1.0-6
gtExtras==0.4.0 | gtExtras==0.4.1
gtools== | gtools==3.9.3
hardhat==1.1.0 | hardhat==1.2.0
HARModel==1.0 <
htmlTable==2.4.0 | htmlTable==2.4.1
htmltools==0.5.2 | htmltools==0.5.3
> ibdreg==0.3.6
ica==1.0-2 | ica==1.0-3
igraph==1.3.2 | igraph==1.3.3
> import==1.3.0
insight==0.17.1 | insight==0.18.0
> interp==1.1-3
itertools==0.1-3 <
> ivmodel==1.9.0
kehra==0.1 | kamila==0.1.2
kmed==0.4.0 <
knockoff==0.3.5 <
latticeExtra==0.6-29 | latexpdf==0.1.7
> latticeExtra==0.6-30
lavaan==0.6-11 | lavaan==0.6-12
> leaftime==0.2.0
lessR==4.2.0 | lessR==4.2.2
> lestat==1.9
LexisNexisTools==0.3.5 <
lfda==1.1.3 <
> lmvar==1.5.2
> locpol==0.7-0
lomb==2.1.0 <
lunar==0.2-1 <
maboost==1.0-0 <
> malariaAtlas==1.0.1
> mapdeck==0.3.4
markovchain==0.8.9 | markovchain==0.9.0
> Matching==4.10-2
> mcmcOutput==0.1.1
MCS==0.1.3 <
> meanShiftR==0.56
melt==1.5.2 <
memoise==2.0.0 | memoise==2.0.1
mgm==1.2-12 | mgm==1.2-13
> MGMM==1.0.0
mistr==0.0.5 <
modeldata==0.1.1 | modeldata==1.0.0
modelsummary==0.11.1 | modelsummary==1.0.2
monomvn==1.9-15 <
MPV==1.57 | MPV==1.58
> mrfDepth==1.0.13
> msme==0.5.3
> multilevel==2.7
> MultiRNG==1.2.4
> mvProbit==0.1-10
> nasapower==4.0.7
neldermead==1.0-12 <
nimble==0.12.2 <
NonCompart==0.5.1 | NonCompart==0.6.0
nonparaeff==0.5-13 <
nor1mix==1.3-0 <
normalr==1.0.0 <
nricens==1.6 | nptest==1.0-3
> nsprcomp==0.5.1-2
nzelect==0.4.0 | oce==1.7-8
oglmx== <
optimsimplex==1.0-8 <
packrat==0.8.0 | packrat==0.8.1
pals==1.7 <
ParamHelpers==1.14 | ParamHelpers==1.14.1
pcaPP==2.0-1 | pcaPP==2.0-2
pdftools==3.2.1 | pdftools==3.3.0
> pdist==1.2.1
> pdynmc==0.9.7
> perm==1.0-0.2
> picante==1.8.2
pillar==1.7.0 | pillar==1.8.0
pkgsearch==3.1.0 | pkgsearch==3.1.1
> plotluck==1.1.1
pls==2.8-0 | pls==2.8-1
plsVarSel==0.9.7 | plsVarSel==0.9.8
> plumber==1.2.0
poissonreg==1.0.0 | poismf==0.4.0
polite==0.1.1 <
PostcodesioR==0.3.1 <
priceR==0.1.6 | priceR==0.1.62
processx==3.6.1 | processx==3.7.0
> psychometric==2.3
QCA==3.16 <
> qlcMatrix==0.9.7
qrmdata==2022-05-31-1 <
qtl==1.50 | qtl==1.52
qtlmt==0.1-6 <
quanteda.textstats==0.95 <
> randomForestSRC==3.1.1
> randomizr==0.22.0
> rapidoc==8.4.3
RAQSAPI==2.0.3 <
rBayesianOptimization==1.2.0 <
Rcpp== | Rcpp==1.0.9
recipes==0.2.0 | recipes==1.0.1
report==0.5.1 <
rgl==0.109.2 | rgl==0.109.6
> riem==0.3.0
rlang==1.0.3 | rlang==1.0.4
> Rmagic==2.0.3
rmda==1.6 <
> Rmixmod==2.1.6
RNifti==1.4.0 | RNifti==1.4.1
robust==0.7-0 | robust==0.7-1
rsconnect==0.8.26 | rsconnect==0.8.27
rsparkling==0.2.19 <
RSQLite==2.2.14 | RSQLite==2.2.15
rstpm2==1.5.6 | rstpm2==1.5.7
> rTensor==1.4.8
> rucm==0.6
ruta==1.1.0 <
sass==0.4.1 | sass==0.4.2
> scholar==0.2.3
scorecard==0.3.7 | SciViews==0.9-13.1
> scorecard==0.3.8
see==0.7.1 | seededlda==0.8.1
> SemiPar==1.0-4.2
seriation==1.3.5 | seriation==1.3.6
sf==1.0-7 | sf==1.0-8
> sgd==1.1.1
> shinydashboardPlus==2.0.3
shinyWidgets==0.7.0 | shinyWidgets==0.7.1
sidrar==0.2.8 | sidrar==0.2.9
> SimMultiCorrData==0.2.2
simstudy==0.4.0 | simstudy==0.5.0
sits==1.0.0 | sits==1.1.0
sm==2.2-5.7 | sm==2.2-5.7.1
smaa==0.3-1 <
snowfall==1.84-6.1 | snowfall==1.84-6.2
> SoDA==1.0-6.1
> sodium==1.2.1
spam==2.8-0 | spam==2.9-0
> sparsio==1.0.1
> spatialreg==1.2-3
> spatialwidget==0.2.3
> splm==1.5-3
> spNNGP==1.0.0
stacks==0.2.3 | stacks==1.0.0
statBasics==0.1.0 <
> StatMatch==1.4.1
stlplus==0.5.1 <
stringi==1.7.6 | stringi==1.7.8
svd==0.5.1 | svd==0.5.2
> swagger==3.33.1
> TeachingSampling==4.1.1
textrecipes==0.5.2 | textrecipes==1.0.0
tfdatasets==2.7.0 | tfdatasets==2.9.0
tfestimators==1.9.2 <
tfprobability==0.15.0 <
themis==0.2.2 | themis==1.0.0
tidymodels==0.2.0 | tidymodels==1.0.0
timeSeries==3062.100 | timeSeries==4021.104
> topsis==1.0
transformr==0.1.3 <
TSP==1.2-0 | TSP==1.2-1
tune==0.2.0 | tune==1.0.0
> twosamples==2.0.0
uklr==1.0.2 <
> USAboundaries==0.4.0
USgas==0.1.1 <
venn==1.11 <
vetr==0.2.13 | vetiver==0.1.6
VGAM==1.1-6 | vetr==0.2.14
> VGAM==1.1-7
> vistime==1.2.1
vtable==1.3.3 | vrtest==1.0
> vtable==1.3.4
> waiter==0.2.5
WDI==2.7.6 | WDI==2.7.7
WeightSVM==1.7-9 | webutils==1.1
> WeightSVM==1.7-11
workflows==0.2.6 | workflows==1.0.0
workflowsets==0.2.1 | workflowsets==1.0.0
worldfootballR==0.5.6 | worldfootballR==0.5.7
> wrassp==1.0.1
WRS2==1.1-4 <
xSub==3.0.1 | xSub==3.0.2
yaImpute==1.0-32 <
yulab.utils==0.0.4 | yulab.utils==0.0.5
== Comparing pip freeze ==
cffi==1.15.0 | cffi==1.15.1
charset-normalizer==2.0.12 | charset-normalizer==2.1.0
debugpy==1.6.0 | debugpy==1.6.2
fastjsonschema==2.15.3 | fastjsonschema==2.16.1
ipykernel==6.15.0 | ipykernel==6.15.1
jsonschema==4.6.1 | jsonschema==4.7.2
jupyter-core==4.10.0 | jupyter-core==4.11.1
jupyter-server==1.18.0 | jupyter-server==1.18.1
jupyterlab-server==2.14.0 | jupyterlab-server==2.15.0
nbclassic==0.3.7 | nbclassic==0.4.3
nbclient==0.6.4 | nbclient==0.6.6
requests==2.28.0 | requests==2.28.1
tornado==6.1 | tornado==6.2
urllib3==1.26.9 | urllib3==1.26.10
zipp==3.8.0 | zipp==3.8.1
== Comparing cat /etc/os-release | grep -oP "PRETTY_NAME=\"\K([^\"]*)" ==
No diff
== Comparing uname -r ==
No diff
== Comparing dpkg --list | awk '{print $2"=="$3}' ==
dirmngr==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | dirmngr==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
git==1:2.25.1-1ubuntu3.4 | git==1:2.25.1-1ubuntu3.5
gnupg==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gnupg==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gnupg-l10n==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gnupg-l10n==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gnupg-utils==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gnupg-utils==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpg==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpg==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpg-agent==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpg-agent==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpg-wks-client==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpg-wks-client==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpg-wks-server==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpg-wks-server==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpgconf==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpgconf==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpgsm==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpgsm==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
gpgv==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.1 | gpgv==2.2.19-3ubuntu2.2
libhttp-daemon-perl==6.06-1 | libhttp-daemon-perl==6.06-1ubuntu0.1
libnss3:amd64==2:3.49.1-1ubuntu1.7 | libnss3:amd64==2:3.49.1-1ubuntu1.8
libpython3.8:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | libpython3.8:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
libpython3.8-dev:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | libpython3.8-dev:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
libpython3.8-minimal:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | libpython3.8-minimal:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
libpython3.8-stdlib:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | libpython3.8-stdlib:amd64==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
libssl-dev:amd64==1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.15 | libssl-dev:amd64==1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16
libssl1.1:amd64==1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.15 | libssl1.1:amd64==1.1.1f-1ubuntu2.16
python3.8==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | python3.8==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
python3.8-dev==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | python3.8-dev==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5
python3.8-minimal==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.4 | python3.8-minimal==3.8.10-0ubuntu1~20.04.5