I couldn't find any resources for a simple sketchybar config that worked with aerospace. So this is what I came up with!
Here's my how current configuration looks
I'm kinda new to shell scripting and all this stuff. Here are the resources that helped me make this config besides the official sketchybar and aerospace docs :p
- This github user's wayyyy more advanced sketchybar & aerospace setup
- Josean Martinez's amazing guide for setting up sketchybar with yabai
If you already have an aerospace config or don't want to use mine, add the following into your aerospace.toml
to trigger sketchybar & pass workspace data.
exec-on-workspace-change = ['/bin/bash', '-c',
should be on a single line.
- Dynamically displays/hides active/inactive workspaces. (not working perfectly...)
- Displays apps in each workspace
- Displays total swap memory (updates every 20 seconds)
You will need to install a Nerd Font if you haven't already!
brew tap homebrew/cask-fonts
brew install font-hack-nerd-font
jq as well!
brew install jq
I used the SF font in my config so let's install that too! If you don't want to, that's fine as well. Just remeber to change the fonts used in sketchybarrc
brew install font-sf-pro
Lastly, you'll want to grab the sketchybar app font and add it to your '~/Library/Fonts/' directory!