An RPG text adventure game based of the Dungeons and Dragons SRD.
This game is being used as a learning experience for myself to practice code and learn by doing. It started as a text only RPG, diverged into using QtPy5, then to Pygame with Pygame GUI and as of this point (15/01/2022) is back to text only but being rebuilt with the use of a game engine parsing map data as per ex. 43 of Zed Shaw's book 'Learn Python the Hard Way'.
When running the code, make sure the pregen character is hashed out and you're running the startGame() function. If you're play testng, hash out this function and use a pregen to skip past character creation.
While still very much a large work in progress, I am comfortable with the direction the build is taking. Focusing mostly on getting the framework completed, the later steps will be to add more story and scenes, then finally to work on a bit more graphic design.
Taking many cues, pieces of advice, and explanation; this code is still 100% done and made by myself (Caveat: 29/10/2022 have brought in an Alex to assist.)
The code has no licence and as such is not free, is not available for modification, reduplication, sale, or any other use without explicit permission from myself.