A fun project built using the open source National parks service API
A fun website to learn more about U.S. National parks using the National parks open sourced API's.
The idea behind building this website is to get a good understanding of how we can build fun project using an open source API.
This application is built using TypeScript, React Router DOM and TailwindCSS.
- Tailwind design and Framer-motion animations
- Fully Responsive
- Page loading state
- React Tanstack query for fetching data from API.
- Beautiful dark and light mode components
- How to reuse layouts
Node version 18.x.x
git clone https://github.com/Kaushik612/national-parks-service.git
npm install
Please read the documentation here on how to generate the API key to use the National Parks Service API.
You will then need to update the ".env" file with your API key.
npm run dev
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.
Kaushik Ravikumar - Full Stack Web Developer - Kaushik Ravikumar