This repository contains the frontend for the Google Keep Clone App, a coursework project for Advanced Mobile Application Development as part of the GDSE66 program at IJSE. It replicates key functionalities of Google Keep, providing a feature-rich, cross-platform note-taking application using React Native and Expo.
✅ React Native: For building the mobile interface.
✅ Expo: Streamlines React Native development and deployment.
✅ Firebase: Provides secure authentication and media storage.
✅ User Authentication: Secure login and registration via Firebase Authentication.
✅ Note Creation & Organization: Users can create, read, update, and delete notes with color-coding options for visual organization.
✅ Task Lists: Add task lists within notes to keep track of to-dos.
✅ Reminders: Set reminders on notes for notifications about important tasks or events.
✅ Search Functionality: Quickly locate notes using a search feature that scans through note content and labels.
✅ Media Attachments: Allow users to attach images to notes, with media stored securely via Firebase Storage.
For questions or assistance, feel free to reach out!