WORDNEST is a dynamic blog application built with React Vite for the front end and Appwrite for backend services. It allows users to create accounts, write content, and upload images seamlessly. The application integrates modern web development technologies and best practices to deliver a smooth and engaging user experience.
- User Authentication: Secure account creation and login using Appwrite.
- Rich Text Editor: Create and format blog posts with the TinyMCE Editor.
- Image Uploads: Seamlessly upload images for blog content.
- Real-Time Updates: Dynamic content management with real-time programming.
- Global State Management: Efficiently manage application state using Redux.
- Responsive Design: A cool and user-friendly interface for all devices.
- React Vite: For a fast and optimized development experience.
- Chakra UI (or any UI library): For a sleek and modern design.
- Hook Forms: To manage form inputs efficiently.
- Redux: For global state management (React Producers, Storage Slice).
- Appwrite: Handles backend services like database management, authentication, and real-time programming.
- TinyMCE Editor: Enables rich text formatting for blog posts.
- Environment File Configuration (ENV): Securely manage environment-specific settings.
- Git: For version control.
- Node.js (v16 or higher)
- Appwrite account (for backend services)
- Git