PutTogether is a project management tool that helps students organize their work load and projects in a neater way.
We wanted to create a simple tool that does a task without bombarding the users with extra features that may never be used.
PutTogether was and has always been about providing the best experience ever to the user. It starts off with simple, easy, and comfortable colors and then gives the user the abillity to change these colors into whatever he likes.
First off, you will need to install the requirments. We highly recommend you do this in a virtual environment.
You can install the requirments by running the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please do make sure you installed Django 1.11.25 correctly. You will run into a lot of problems if you did not.
After that, just run the good old:
python manage.py runserver
And voila! you are ready to be a member of the PutTogether Family!