MediaMonks test project.
Album list using
Clone git repository
git clone
Run MediaMonks Photos.xcworkspace
Please run on a device to avoid problems with CIFilters on simulators.
Albums List
- Custom loaders for failed and loading states.
- Try to tap on "Monk" image to retry.
- Custom pull to refresh.
Photos List
- Mosaic flow layout.
- All images are saved to cache.
- Tap on photo will show you photo detail with custom animation transition.
- Tap on right bar button will show you random image. (Added just to show filters on photo detail).
Photo Detail - Added "Edit" feature to apply different filters to image.
- Pan gesture for dismissing.
- Pinch to zoom in/zoom out.
- Double tap to zoom in/zoom out.
As architecture I've used Swift Clean Architecture (VIP).
A unidirectional architecture.
More about VIP
- Used States with generics parameters to handle views based on different states.
Try to load albums with slow net connection and without internet to take a look on state handlings and "nice animations").
3-d party libraries