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SDL 0249 Persisting HMI Capabilities

Khrystyna Dubovyk (GitHub) edited this page Oct 22, 2020 · 3 revisions

Feature 1: As a mobile application, I want to get HMI capabilities from SDL after Ignition OFF/ON cycle so that I can interact with the HMI efficiently


Given App requests HMI Capabilities with one of the following RPC

  • UI.GetSupportedLanguages
  • UI.GetCapabilities
  • VR.GetSupportedLanguages
  • VR.GetCapabilities
  • TTS.GetSupportedLanguages
  • TTS.GetCapabilities
  • Buttons.GetCapabilities
  • VehicleInfo.GetVehicleType
  • RC.GetCapabilities
  • UI.GetLanguage
  • VR.GetLanguage
  • TTS.GetLanguage

Scenario 1: SDL Provides HMI capabilities persisted in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile

Given App registers after Ignition OFF/ON cycle

When App requests HMI Capabilities

Then SDL checks HMICapabilitiesCacheFile in AppStorageFolder in smartDeviceLink.ini
And SDL provides HMI Capabilities persisted in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile in the corresponding response.

Scenario 2: SDL creates HMICapabilitiesCacheFile in case it is not present in AppStorageFolder in SmartDeviceLink.ini

When SDL checks HMICapabilitiesCacheFile and variable is null/empty in smartDeviceLink.ini

Then SDL must create HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file

Scenario 3: SDL requests HMI capabilities missing in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile from HMI

When Any capability requested by an app is missing in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile

Then SDL must default back to hmi_capabilities.json file for corresponding capability
And SDL should send requests to get these capabilities from HMI

Scenario 4: SDL writes capabilities data received from HMI to HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file

Given Receiving HMI response for any of the UI/VR/TTS/Buttons/VehicleInfo/Navigation/RC capabilities

When SDL checks if HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file already has the data set received in HMI responseandHMICapabilitiesCacheFile` file does not have the data set received in HMI response

Then SDL writes the HMI response data to HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file
And SDL does not send corresponding requests to get HMI capabilities to HMI for subsequent ignition cycles, follow the rest of launch sequence requests/notifications as applicable.
And SDL uses this new data set for apps/SDL Core communication until ignition cycle is performed.

Scenario 5: SDL continues launching sequence if capabilities sent fom HMI are already present in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file

Given Receiving HMI response for any of the UI/VR/TTS/Buttons/VehicleInfo/Navigation/RC capabilities

When HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file already has the data set received in HMI response

Then SDL does not overwrite the response to HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file
And SDL does not send corresponding request to get HMI capabilities to HMI for subsequent ignition cycles
And SDL follows the rest of the launch sequence

Scenario 6: SDL overwrites contents of received Dynamic RPC in hmi_capabilities_cache.json file

Given Mobile application already obtained HMI capabilities in the ignition cycle

When HMI sends a Dynamic RPC with changes to capabilities

Then Core must overwrite contents of received notifications in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file and use this data until ignition cycle is performed

Dynamic RPCs:

  • UI.OnLanguageChange
  • VR.OnLanguageChange
  • TTS.OnLanguageChange

Scenario 7: SDL deletes HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file when a master reset is performed

Given All HMI Capabilities are presented in HMICapabilitiesCacheFile

When HMI sends OnExitAllApplications with reason MASTER_RESET

Then SDL Core must delete HMICapabilitiesCacheFile in AppStorageFolder in smartDeviceLink.ini

Feature 2: As a mobile application, I want to get actual HMI capabilities from SDL after HMI SW update

Scenario 1: SDL regenerates HMICapabilitiesCacheFile file when system SW version changes

Given App sends RAI after HMI SW update

When SDL's local ccpu_version does not match with received from BC.GetSystemInfo(ccpu_version)

Then SDL must delete HMICapabilitiesCacheFile
And SDL must send GetCapabilities requests for each interface (VR, TTS, UI, etc) to HMI and persist the responses received from HMI to HMICapabilitiesCacheFile
And SDL must set IsHMICooperating to true when HMI has responded to all the HMI capabilities requests
And SDL must respond to all pending RAI requests from mobile applications

Scenario 2: SDL does not persist capabilities after SW update if HMI doesn't respond to GetCapabilities requests

Given SDL sends GetCapabilities requests for each interface (VR, TTS, UI, etc) to HMI

When HMI does not send response for one ore more GetCapabilities requests or HMI sends errors

Then SDL must fall back to default HMI Capabilities
And SDL must NOT persist those capabilities in cache
And SDL must set IsHMICooperating to true
And SDL must respond to all pending RAI requests from mobile applications



Static RPCs:

Dynamic RPCs:

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