install.packages("data.table")# For loading and subsequently, combining the spreadsheets conveniently( and efficiently). install.packages("readr") # For reading the spreadsheets install.packages("tidyverse") # tidyverse for data import and wrangling! install.packages("lubridate")# lubridate for date functions!
#===================== #Set windows destination & Upload Divvy datasets (csv files) here
setwd("C:/LAB/Capstone project/Extracted Data/R uploads") trips <- list.files(pattern="*.csv") print(trips_) #Rename the above printed files to an appropriate dataframe names apr_2023<- read_csv("202304-Trips.csv") mar_2023<- read_csv("202303-Trips.csv") feb_2023<- read_csv("202302-Trips.csv") jan_2023<- read_csv("202301-Trips.csv") dec_2022 <- read_csv("202212-Trips.csv") nov_2022<- read_csv("202211-Trips.csv") oct_2022<- read_csv("202210-Trips.csv") sep_2022<- read_csv("202209-Trips.csv") aug_2022<- read_csv("202208-Trips.csv") jul_2022<- read_csv("202207-Trips.csv") jun_2022<- read_csv("202206-Trips.csv") may_2022 <- read_csv("202205-Trips.csv")
While the names don't have to be in the same order, they DO need to match perfectly before we can use a command to join them into one file
str (apr_2023) str (mar_2023) str (feb_2023) str (jan_2023) str (dec_2022) str (nov_2022) str (oct_2022) str (sep_2022) str (jul_2022) str (jun_2022) str (jun_2022) str (may_2022)
Because there were no inconsistencies or discrepancies in the data’s column names, I continued to bind the data in the coding script below:
trips_<- list.files("C:/LAB/Capstone project/Extracted Data/R uploads", pattern="*.csv") print(filenames) #inspect the loaded files for any incongruencies.
trips_ <- rbindlist(lapply(trips_, fread))
trips <- bind_rows(apr_2023,mar_2023,feb_2023,jan_2023,dec_2022,nov_2022,oct_2022,sep_2022,jul_2022,jun_2022,may_2022) names(trips) #======================================================
#_In doing this step I removed columns that I deemed as not useful for this particular analysis, through the data exploration (I did bearing in mind the main business task/challenge at hand):
trips_ <- trips_%>%
select(-c(ride_id, rideable_type,start_station_id, end_station_id))
str(trips_)#See list of columns and data types (numeric, character, etc) summary(trips_) #Statistical summary of data. Mainly numerical
#Upon inspection I saw it fit to rename the member_casual column to rider_type as its more precisely descriptive
colnames(trips_)[colnames(trips_) == "member_casual"] <- "rider_type"
names(trips_) #Inspect to see if indeed the member_casual column is changed to rider_type
#I also removed duplicate rows as I deemed them unnecessary and rather cumbersome for the processing of data nrow(trips_) [1] 5859061 trips_<- distinct(trips_) #Remove duplicate rows. nrow(trips_) [1] 5859027 #The above is showing that 21 rows (5859061-5859027) around were removed, cleaning effort highlight.
#_After the above, I did addition of insightful layers(columns)
(1) One of the main layers I dimmed necessary to add was a column for length of trip. I will name it "trip_length”.
trips_$trip_length <- difftime(trips_$ended_at, trips_$started_at, units = "hours")
df <- arrange(df, column_name) trips_<- arrange(trips_, trip_length)
Inspect the new added column for any anomalies. summary(trips_$trip_length)
#I found that I cannot even obtain statistical summaries from the new added column then that means we need to convert it to format which we can be able to obtain statistical summaries from
is.factor(trips_$ride_length) trips_$trip_length <- as.numeric(as.character(trips_$trip_length)) is.numeric(trips_$trip_length)
The above step is very paramount otherwise you won’t be able to find the statistical attributes from the column data like mean,min,max and Q3.
summary(trips_$trip_length) #now I was able to obtain statistical summaries and also found anomalies in the data such as a minimum value of -172 hours of ride length ,this obviously calls for further inspection of the data and in particular the trip length aspect of the data.
negative_values <- trips_ [trips_$ trip_length <= 0, ] nrow(negative_values) #found out that there are 544 negative values or values with zero print(negative_values$trip_length) summary(negative_values$trip_length)
nrow(trips_)= 5859027 trips_ <- trips_[!(trips_$trip_length <= 0)] nrow(trips_)= 5858483 #so around 544 trip duration values with zero or negative figures were removed, cleaning effort highlight.
(2) I continued to add other additional columns(layers) to the data -- such as day, day_of_week and month_year -- that provided me with additional insights about the data.
This will allow us to aggregate ride data for each month, day, or year ... before completing these operations we could only aggregate at the ride level
trips_$date <- as.Date(trips_$started_at) #The default format is yyyy-mm-dd trips_$month_year <- format(as.Date(trips_$started_at), " %Y-%m") trips_$day_of_week <- format(as.Date(trips_$date), "%A") trips_$day <- format(as.Date(trips_$date), "%d")
Upon inspection we can see that column such as months, day and day of week are in character class of which is not ideal for statistical
csv_file <- "trips_data.csv"
write.csv(trips_, file = csv_file, row.names = FALSE)
cat("CSV file created:", csv_file, "\n")