New repo is here: (AngularJS app not maintained!)
This server gets data from TimeEdit and publish the data with a JSON Rest API.
We Rest API is consumed by a native Android app and a Ionic webapp that is developed for iOS.
The server also publish a AngularJS web app.
The AngularJS webapp is at the moment not maintained
If you would like to contrib to this project, we would be more than happy
Returns: Length of all course objects stored in db.
Returns: List with course objects thats stored in db. Objects has attributes: course_code, name_sv, name_enPOST
Returns a single object in a list. Object has attributes: syllabus_en, semester, year, course_id, name_en, name_sv, course_location, course_language, course_points, syllabus_sv, url, course_speed, course_code
Returns a single object in a list. Object has attributes: syllabus_en, semester, year, course_id, name_en, name_sv, course_location, course_language, course_points, syllabus_sv, url, course_speed, course_code
Returns a list of events objects. Object has attributes: info, startdate, name_sv, room, starttime, name_en, course_code, endtime, teacher, desc
Returns a list of events objects. Object has attributes: info, startdate, name_sv, room, starttime, name_en, course_code, endtime, teacher, desc