Flutter application for creating daily calendary tasks.
APK 1.0.0 (stable, but without notifications): https://github.com/KolasikOmetov/Let-s-Do-It/blob/CalendaryStyle/Let's%20Do%20It%201.0.0.apk
APK 1.1.0 (with notifications, but not stable): https://github.com/KolasikOmetov/Let-s-Do-It/blob/CalendaryStyle/Let's%20Do%20It%201.1.0.apk Scheduled notifications may not work when the application is in the background on certain devices (e.g. by Xiaomi, Huawei)
Flutter Date Picker Library that provides a calendar as a horizontal timeline.
Hive is a lightweight and blazing fast key-value database written in pure Dart.
Simple app state management
Customization of user's notifications
Time Picker widget with spinner instead of a material time picker.
A Flutter plugin for launching a URL in the mobile platform. Supports iOS and Android.
Customizable Icons for Flutter developers. Port of react-native-vector-icons.
A cross platform plugin for displaying local notifications.
App works on Android API 27 and above. About working on iOS I don't now, because I don't have iOS emulator