After seeing that my free host service has gone more unreliable after good few years of using it I decided to swtich again
This page has been hosted on
Google drive
and now infinityfree
the reason why have I not switched to infinityfree earlier is that they have a 10MB file size llimit which was issue when my site was hosting flash games,
but now that flash is dead, my old webpage goes modern and removes them too. Still does not mean my webpage looks modern tho.
So what has changed in this release?
Welp flash games are gone, even in the secret page RIP
added links to some stuff, removed some links
I mean it's not like anyone will notice or anything nobody visits the site anyway, I don't even track visits
I do have some future plans for the webpage but they will probably be private and take a year to execute, so probably canceled already.
the website is actually hosted here:
but these pages redirect to it:
this update is already way to rambly and nobody cares, so see you in a year or few.