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Add Tracing for SQLAlchemy and Flask-SQLAlcemy (aws#14)
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* Initial checkin of Query and BaseQuery overrides

* Fix ext name

* Fix import

* Add support for SQLAlchemy.orm and Flask-SQLAlchemy

* Remove print() statement

* Attempt to fix handling of Flask not having a request with a xray segment

* Fix handling of missing segment

* Fix test and add docstrings

* Fix bug with End segment

* Code Review Cleanup. Files now all pass flake8 tests

* Move find_subsegment and _search_entity functions to tests/

* Uset set_sql to corectly test the sanitized_query value. Add test to sqlalcemy to test filter() and verify params not present in sanitized_query

* Comment out set_sql for sanitized_query for seperate code review

* Starting to add in set_sql

* Add more SQL info to trace

* Correct URL handling for connection strings

* Bug fix and remove sanitized_query

* Fix unit test and add helper util for finding subsegment by annotation key/value

* Minor cleanups
  • Loading branch information
therealryanbonham authored and haotianw465 committed Feb 20, 2018
1 parent 0b00e4b commit d110386
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Showing 14 changed files with 406 additions and 3 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -176,6 +176,41 @@ app.router.add_get("/", handler)

**Use SQLAlchemy ORM**
The SQLAlchemy integration requires you to override the Session and Query Classes for SQL Alchemy

SQLAlchemy integration uses subsegments so you need to have a segment started before you make a query.

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.sqlalchemy.query import XRaySessionMaker


Session = XRaySessionMaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()

app = Flask(__name__)

xray_recorder.configure(service='fallback_name', dynamic_naming='**')
XRayMiddleware(app, xray_recorder)

**Add Flask-SQLAlchemy**

from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask.middleware import XRayMiddleware
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask_sqlalchemy.query import XRayFlaskSqlAlchemy

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///:memory:"

XRayMiddleware(app, xray_recorder)
db = XRayFlaskSqlAlchemy(app)

## License

The AWS X-Ray SDK for Python is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. See LICENSE and NOTICE.txt for more information.
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59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions aws_xray_sdk/ext/flask_sqlalchemy/
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from builtins import super
from flask_sqlalchemy.model import Model
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import sessionmaker
from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy, BaseQuery, _SessionSignalEvents, get_state
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.sqlalchemy.query import XRaySession, XRayQuery
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.sqlalchemy.util.decerators import xray_on_call, decorate_all_functions

class XRayBaseQuery(BaseQuery):
BaseQuery.__bases__ = (XRayQuery,)

class XRaySignallingSession(XRaySession):
"""The signalling session is the default session that Flask-SQLAlchemy
uses. It extends the default session system with bind selection and
modification tracking.
If you want to use a different session you can override the
:meth:`SQLAlchemy.create_session` function.
.. versionadded:: 2.0
.. versionadded:: 2.1
The `binds` option was added, which allows a session to be joined
to an external transaction.

def __init__(self, db, autocommit=False, autoflush=True, **options):
#: The application that this session belongs to. = app = db.get_app()
track_modifications = app.config['SQLALCHEMY_TRACK_MODIFICATIONS']
bind = options.pop('bind', None) or db.engine
binds = options.pop('binds', db.get_binds(app))

if track_modifications is None or track_modifications:

self, autocommit=autocommit, autoflush=autoflush,
bind=bind, binds=binds, **options

def get_bind(self, mapper=None, clause=None):
# mapper is None if someone tries to just get a connection
if mapper is not None:
info = getattr(mapper.mapped_table, 'info', {})
bind_key = info.get('bind_key')
if bind_key is not None:
state = get_state(
return state.db.get_engine(, bind=bind_key)
return XRaySession.get_bind(self, mapper, clause)

class XRayFlaskSqlAlchemy(SQLAlchemy):
def __init__(self, app=None, use_native_unicode=True, session_options=None,
metadata=None, query_class=XRayBaseQuery, model_class=Model):
super().__init__(app, use_native_unicode, session_options,
metadata, query_class, model_class)

def create_session(self, options):
return sessionmaker(class_=XRaySignallingSession, db=self, **options)
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25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions aws_xray_sdk/ext/sqlalchemy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
from builtins import super
from sqlalchemy.orm.query import Query
from sqlalchemy.orm.session import Session, sessionmaker
from .util.decerators import xray_on_call, decorate_all_functions

class XRaySession(Session):

class XRayQuery(Query):

class XRaySessionMaker(sessionmaker):
def __init__(self, bind=None, class_=XRaySession, autoflush=True,
info=None, **kw):
kw['query_cls'] = XRayQuery
super().__init__(bind, class_, autoflush, autocommit, expire_on_commit,
info, **kw)
Empty file.
100 changes: 100 additions & 0 deletions aws_xray_sdk/ext/sqlalchemy/util/
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
import re
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from future.standard_library import install_aliases
from urllib.parse import urlparse, uses_netloc

def decorate_all_functions(function_decorator):
def decorator(cls):
for c in cls.__bases__:
for name, obj in vars(c).items():
if name.startswith("_"):
if callable(obj):
obj = obj.__func__ # unwrap Python 2 unbound method
except AttributeError:
pass # not needed in Python 3
setattr(c, name, function_decorator(c, obj))
return cls
return decorator

def xray_on_call(cls, func):
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
from ..query import XRayQuery, XRaySession
from ...flask_sqlalchemy.query import XRaySignallingSession
class_name = str(cls.__module__)
c = xray_recorder._context
sql = None
subsegment = None
if class_name == "sqlalchemy.orm.session":
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, XRaySession):
sql = parse_bind(arg.bind)
if isinstance(arg, XRaySignallingSession):
sql = parse_bind(arg.bind)
if class_name == 'sqlalchemy.orm.query':
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, XRayQuery):
sql = parse_bind(arg.session.bind)
# Commented our for later PR
# sql['sanitized_query'] = str(arg)
sql = None
if sql is not None:
if getattr(c._local, 'entities', None) is not None:
subsegment = xray_recorder.begin_subsegment(sql['url'], namespace='remote')
subsegment = None
res = func(*args, **kw)
if subsegment is not None:
subsegment.put_annotation("sqlalchemy", class_name+'.'+func.__name__ );
return res
return wrapper
# URL Parse output
# scheme 0 URL scheme specifier scheme parameter
# netloc 1 Network location part empty string
# path 2 Hierarchical path empty string
# query 3 Query component empty string
# fragment 4 Fragment identifier empty string
# username User name None
# password Password None
# hostname Host name (lower case) None
# port Port number as integer, if present None
# XRAY Trace SQL metaData Sample
# "sql" : {
# "url": "jdbc:postgresql://",
# "preparation": "statement",
# "database_type": "PostgreSQL",
# "database_version": "9.5.4",
# "driver_version": "PostgreSQL 9.4.1211.jre7",
# "user" : "dbuser",
# "sanitized_query" : "SELECT * FROM customers WHERE customer_id=?;"
# }
def parse_bind(bind):
"""Parses a connection string and creates SQL trace metadata"""
m = re.match(r"Engine\((.*?)\)", str(bind))
if m is not None:
u = urlparse(
# Add Scheme to uses_netloc or // will be missing from url.
safe_url = ""
if u.password is None:
safe_url = u.geturl()
# Strip password from URL
host_info = u.netloc.rpartition('@')[-1]
parts = u._replace(netloc='{}@{}'.format(u.username, host_info))
safe_url = u.geturl()
sql = {}
sql['database_type'] = u.scheme
sql['url'] = safe_url
if u.username is not None:
sql['user'] = "{}".format(u.username)
return sql
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',

install_requires=['jsonpickle', 'wrapt', 'requests'],
install_requires=['jsonpickle', 'wrapt', 'requests', 'future'],

keywords='aws xray sdk',

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56 changes: 56 additions & 0 deletions tests/ext/flask_sqlalchemy/
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from __future__ import absolute_import
import pytest
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core.context import Context
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.flask_sqlalchemy.query import XRayFlaskSqlAlchemy
from flask import Flask
from ...util import find_subsegment_by_annotation

app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI"] = "sqlite:///:memory:"
db = XRayFlaskSqlAlchemy(app)

class User(db.Model):
__tablename__ = "users"

id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
name = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False, unique=True)
fullname = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)
password = db.Column(db.String(255), nullable=False)

def session():
"""Test Fixture to Create DataBase Tables and start a trace segment"""
xray_recorder.configure(service='test', sampling=False, context=Context())

def test_all(capsys, session):
""" Test calling all() on get all records.
Verify that we capture trace of query and return the SQL as metdata"""
# with capsys.disabled():
subsegment = find_subsegment_by_annotation(xray_recorder.current_segment(), 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.all')
assert subsegment['annotations']['sqlalchemy'] == 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.all'
# assert subsegment['sql']['sanitized_query']
assert subsegment['sql']['url']

def test_add(capsys, session):
""" Test calling add() on insert a row.
Verify we that we capture trace for the add"""
# with capsys.disabled():
john = User(name='John', fullname="John Doe", password="password")
subsegment = find_subsegment_by_annotation(xray_recorder.current_segment(), 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.add')
assert subsegment['annotations']['sqlalchemy'] == 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.add'
assert subsegment['sql']['url']
Empty file.
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions tests/ext/sqlalchemy/
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@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
import pytest
from aws_xray_sdk.core import xray_recorder
from aws_xray_sdk.core.context import Context
from aws_xray_sdk.ext.sqlalchemy.query import XRaySessionMaker
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String
from ...util import find_subsegment_by_annotation

Base = declarative_base()

class User(Base):
__tablename__ = 'users'

id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
name = Column(String)
fullname = Column(String)
password = Column(String)

def session():
"""Test Fixture to Create DataBase Tables and start a trace segment"""
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:')
xray_recorder.configure(service='test', sampling=False, context=Context())
Session = XRaySessionMaker(bind=engine)
session = Session()
yield session

def test_all(capsys, session):
""" Test calling all() on get all records.
Verify we run the query and return the SQL as metdata"""
# with capsys.disabled():
subsegment = find_subsegment_by_annotation(xray_recorder.current_segment(), 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.all')
assert subsegment['annotations']['sqlalchemy'] == 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.all'
# assert subsegment['sql']['sanitized_query']
assert subsegment['sql']['url']

def test_add(capsys, session):
""" Test calling add() on insert a row.
Verify we that we capture trace for the add"""
# with capsys.disabled():
john = User(name='John', fullname="John Doe", password="password")
subsegment = find_subsegment_by_annotation(xray_recorder.current_segment(), 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.add')
assert subsegment['annotations']['sqlalchemy'] == 'sqlalchemy.orm.session.add'
assert subsegment['sql']['url']

def test_filter(capsys, session):
""" Test calling all() on get all records.
Verify we run the query and return the SQL as metdata"""
# with capsys.disabled():
subsegment = find_subsegment_by_annotation(xray_recorder.current_segment(), 'sqlalchemy', 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.filter')
assert subsegment['annotations']['sqlalchemy'] == 'sqlalchemy.orm.query.filter'
# assert subsegment['sql']['sanitized_query']
# assert "mypassword!" not in subsegment['sql']['sanitized_query']
assert subsegment['sql']['url']

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