This is a PHP CLI script, that creates the base image and the mask for this special optical illusion.
This script takes an animation's frames, and outputs the Amazing Animation as made popular (or at least known to me) by brusspup:
If you print the two images (the mask should be printed on a transparent foil) then it will look awesome in real life too.
There is a demo rendering and output included:
The output is two files, the mask and the base image and a test.html which let's you drag and drop the mask above the base, see it in action here:
The file is a Natron project file.
$ ./AmazingAnimation.php --help
Amazing Animation Generator
--frames The glob mask for the image sequence
--wdir The output directory, by default /tmp
./AmazingAnimation.php --frames 'demo/render/*' --wdir demo/final
./AmazingAnimation.php --frames 'demo/render/kcs*.png' --wdir demo/final