This .NET Core API is designed to serve JSON formatted data about bosses from
the Mega Man series. It is a backend service built with .NET Core 3.1 and
various modern dependencies for data management and API response handling.
Developed with Entity Framework Core and other modern .NET technologies, this
project aims to provide a robust API for accessing Mega Man robot data.
Method | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /api/v1/robots | Returns a list of all robots |
GET | /api/v1/robots/{id} | Returns details of a specific robot by ID |
POST | /api/v1/robots | Endpoint to create a new robot entry |
- Entity Framework Core: ORM for data management.
- RESTful API Design: Ensures clear and effective communication
- Dependency Injection: Used throughout to promote loose coupling and
enhanced testability.
Package | Version | Link |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore | 3.1.8 | NuGet |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design | 3.1.8 | NuGet |
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer | 3.1.8 | NuGet |
Newtonsoft.Json | 12.0.2 | NuGet |
├── 📂 Controllers [Routes for endpoints]
├── 📂 Models [Database models]
├── 📂 Services [Business rules]
├── 📂 Middlewares [Intermediate functions between the HTTP request and the final server response]
├── 📂 Database [Structures related to the database]
│ ├── 📂 DTOs [Input Models and View Models (Data Transfer Objects)]
│ ├── 📂 EntityFramework [Files related to the ORM Entity Framework]
│ │ ├── 📂 Context [Entity context settings]
│ │ ├── 📂 Migrations [Migrations for database updates]
│ ├── 📂 Repositories [Repository pattern]
⌨️ FelipeAguiar - Github