Version 0.2
This program will basically try find the sweet spot for your GPU.
It works by recording the hash rate at all the valid clocks within ranges you specify, and displaying the top results.
Before you can use CGMinerTuner, you need to enable the CGMiner's API interface.
To do this, you just need to append --api-listen --api-allow W: to your CGMiner command line options. Replace with your IP if you are connecting to CGMiner remotely.
python [-h] [-i HOST] [-p PORT] [-d DEVICE] -c CORERANGE -m MEMRANGE [-r RATIORANGE] [--coreinc COREINC] [--meminc MEMINC] [-w WAITTIME] [-t MAXTEMP] [--showtop SHOWTOP] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i HOST, --host HOST CGMiner host address. Defaults to localhost. -p PORT, --port PORT CGMiner API port. Defaults to 4028. -d DEVICE, --device DEVICE OpenCL device number to test. Defaults to 0. -c CORERANGE, --corerange CORERANGE Set the GPU core clock range to test. Format is range: <minval>-<maxval>. -m MEMRANGE, --memrange MEMRANGE Set the GPU memory clock range to test. Format is range: <minval>-<maxval>. -r RATIORANGE, --ratiorange RATIORANGE Set the desired GPU core clock to GPU memory clock ratio range to use. This can dramatically reduce the search space. Format: <minratio>-<maxratio>. Disabled by default. --coreinc COREINC Set the GPU core clock increment amount. Defaults to 10. --meminc MEMINC Set the GPU memory clock increment amount. Defaults to 10. -w WAITTIME, --waittime WAITTIME Time (s) to wait for new clocks to settle before reading the new hashrate. Defaults to 30 seconds. -t MAXTEMP, --maxtemp MAXTEMP Cut-off temp at which clocks will be set to minimum. Defaults to 80 degrees celcius. --showtop SHOWTOP Specify the number of top results to show. Defaults to 5.
The results are also stored in a log file within the same directory.
The following will search for the best core and memory clock for the second GPU in host between core clocks of 800 to 1100 and memory clocks 1100-1500:
python -i -d 1 -c 800-1100 -m 1100-1500 -r 0.5-0.7 -t 82 --showtop 10
It will also only test core and memory combinations that fall within the ratio of 0.5 to 0.7, prevent testing from letting the GPU exceed 82 degrees, and show the top 10 results. Specifiying the IP address and device number isn't compulsory, they default to localhost and device 0 respectively.
If you found the script useful, please consider making a donation :)
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