Install teq-tonic
into your project.
npm i teq-tonic
Import teq-tonic into your project using Eyeglass
. You can view how Eyeglass works by checking out the example
@import "teq-tonic";
Current available settings.
@include settings(
"animation-time" (
"base": 0.3s,
"fase": 0.1s,
"slow": 0.5s
"border-radius" (
"xs": 1px,
"sm": 2px,
"md": 3px,
"lg": 4px
"color" (
"black": #000000,
"white": #FFFFFF,
"blue-50": #ECF1FC,
"blue-100": #C4D3F2,
"blue-200": #9CB5E8,
"blue-300": #7497DE,
"blue-400": #4C79D4,
"blue-500": #386ACF,
"blue-600": #193366,
"blue-700": #203F7B,
"blue-800": #254990,
"blue-900": #2B54A5,
"charcoal-50": #E6E9EB,
"charcoal-100": #D1D6D8,
"charcoal-200": #A7B0B2,
"charcoal-300": #7D8A8C,
"charcoal-400": #536466,
"charcoal-500": #293E40,
"charcoal-600": #213234,
"charcoal-700": #192628,
"charcoal-800": #111A1C,
"charcoal-900": #090E10,
"green-50": #EAFDF4,
"green-100": #B7EED8,
"green-200": #87E0BE,
"green-300": #57D2A4,
"green-400": #27C48A,
"green-500": #0FBD7D,
"green-600": #0C9763,
"green-700": #0A8456,
"green-800": #087149,
"green-900": #064B2E,
"gray-50": #FAFAFA,
"gray-100": #F1F1F1,
"gray-200": #CBCBCB,
"gray-300": #B1B1B1,
"gray-400": #979797,
"gray-500": #7D7D7D,
"gray-600": #666666,
"gray-700": #4A4A4A,
"gray-800": #2E2E2E,
"gray-900": #151515,
"orange-50": #FDE5D1,
"orange-100": #FAD7B8,
"orange-200": #F4BB86,
"orange-300": #EE9F54,
"orange-400": #E88323,
"orange-500": #E57509,
"orange-600": #B75D08,
"orange-700": #A05108,
"orange-800": #894509,
"orange-900": #723906,
"purple-50": #F5E9FF,
"purple-100": #D9C3F8,
"purple-200": #BD9DF0,
"purple-300": #A177E8,
"purple-400": #8551E0,
"purple-500": #773EDC,
"purple-600": #5F32B0,
"purple-700": #532C9A,
"purple-800": #472684,
"purple-900": #3B206E,
"red-50": #FFECF0,
"red-100": #FCD4DC,
"red-200": #F4A4B4,
"red-300": #EC758C,
"red-400": #E44464,
"red-500": #DC143C,
"red-600": #B01030,
"red-700": #9A0E2A,
"red-800": #840C24,
"red-900": #6E0A1E,
"yellow-50": #FFF8F2,
"yellow-100": #FBEACE,
"yellow-200": #F7DCAA,
"yellow-300": #FDCA6A,
"yellow-400": #F1C774,
"yellow-500": #EDB950,
"yellow-600": #BD9340,
"yellow-700": #A58038,
"yellow-800": #8D6D2F,
"yellow-900": #755928,
"negative": #DC143C,
"neutral": #386ACF,
"positive": #0FBD7D,
"warning": #E57509,
"primary": #59B5A0,
"default-text": #4A4A4A
"context" (
"all": true,
"sample-context": (
"all": false,
"sample-context": false
"font-sizes" (
"xxxl": to-rem(24px),
"xxl": to-rem(20px),
"xl": to-rem(18px),
"lg": to-rem(16px),
"md": to-rem(14px),
"sm": to-rem(12px),
"xs": to-rem(10px),
"xxs": to-rem(8px),
"default": to-rem(16px)
"font-family" (
"regular": "\"SourceSansPro\", \"Helvetica Neue\", \"Helvetica\", Arial, sans-serif",
"light": "\"SourceSansProLight\", \"Helvetica Neue\", \"Helvetica\", Arial, sans-serif",
"semibold": "\"SourceSansProSemibold\", \"Helvetica Neue\", \"Helvetica\", Arial, sans-serif",
"bold": "\"SourceSansProBold\", \"Helvetica Neue\", \"Helvetica\", Arial, sans-serif",
"default": "\"SourceSansPro\", \"Helvetica Neue\", \"Helvetica\", Arial, sans-serif"
"media-queries" (
"for-phone-only": "(max-width: 599px)",
"for-tablet-portrait-up": "(min-width: 600px)",
"for-tablet-landscape-up": "(min-width: 900px)",
"for-small-desktop-up": "(min-width: 1200px)",
"for-desktop-up": "(min-width: 1300px)",
"for-big-desktop-up": "(min-width: 1800px)"
"mods" (
"all": false,
"sample-component": (
"all": false,
"sample-mod": false
"namespace" (
"util": ".util"
"opacity" (
"visible": 1,
"light": 0.7,
"lighter": 0.5,
"lightest": 0.3,
"hidden": 0
"prefixes" (
"prefix": "teq-",
"child-prefix": "-",
"modifier-prefix": "_"
"setup" (
"cssvars": true,
"debug": false,
"verbose-mod": false
"space" (
"pf": to-rem(1px),
"base": to-rem(4px),
"xs": to-rem(2px),
"sm": to-rem(8px),
"md": to-rem(16px),
"lg": to-rem(24px),
"xl": to-rem(32px)
"transitions" (
"link": cubic-bezier(0.075, 0.820, 0.165, 1.000),
"shift": cubic-bezier(0.770, 0.000, 0.175, 1.000)
"z-index" (
"below": -1,
"above": 1,
"navbar": 980,
"dropdown-backdrop": 990,
"dropdown": 1000,
"sticky": 1020,
"fixed": 1030,
"modal-backdrop": 1040,
"modal": 1050,
"popover": 1060,
"tooltip": 1070
If you want to update a variable...
@include settings(
"font-sizes" (
"xl": 3rem
If you want to add a variable...
@include settings(
"namespace" (
"button": ".teq-btn"
Of course you can combine both of these.
@include settings(
"font-sizes" (
"xl": 3rem
"namespace" (
"button": ".teq-btn"