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Setup k8s enviornment

kubectl expose deployemnt --port --type NodePort kubectl port-forward :

metallb deployment

if we want to give a range of ip address to the network the n we can add a config as mentioned in metallb doc layar2 config, if not external ip will be available. we can access it throug the external ip.

install kubernetes dashboard ui.

it will create different resources including namespace, role, clusterrole binding, custer role pods, services etc. But the service account that is created doesnt have full accces to the dashboard. so we need to create a cluster role with admin access and cluster role binding.

using /kubernetes/sa/dashboard-admin.yml it will create a sercive account dashboard-admin with admin access.

it will be deployed on kube-system namespace.

get token to login.

kubectl -n kube-system describe sa dashboard-admin copy the token secret

kiubectl -n kube-system describe secret

it will provide the actual token to loing.

now the sevice kubernetes-dashboard wont be exposed. so expose it using nodeport, portforwarding or any one method. use the token to login to the dashboard.

Node Pod selector.

  • Attach a label to the node in which we want to deploy the pods.
  • kubectl label node <node_name> <key=value> -> label must be on key value pair
  • eg. kubectl label node kworker1 env=dev -> here env=dev it the label.
  • kubectl get node <node_name> --show-labels

now in pod specification add

nodeSelector: env: "dev"

  • enable pod node selector plugin.
  • if we deploy pods ot a namespace these pods should be deployed to specific pod only.
  • eg. Deploy pod to dev name space , the this pod should be created to the node where label is env=dev.
  • Pod node selector is a plugin need to be enabled from the contorl plane k8s.
  • It is the alternative of node pod selector.

how to do it: in the master node go to cd /etc/kubernetes/manifests/ update the kube-apiserver.yml file updtate this - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,PodNodeSelector master pod will be restarted and the pulgin will be enabled.

Pod Disruption budget

  • Used in maintainance of the cluster.
  • set pod distruption budget to 50%, says that 50% of the pods will always be there.
  • Prevents accidently deleting the pods while maintainance window actives.


  • run to completion one time
  • These jobs continues to run as long as they are not sucessfully completed.
  • If the are interupted in middle of the run, the run agian until they gets completed.
  • we can limit the no of retries for the job.(backoffLimit: 2).
  • We can run job as many times as needed by using (completions: 2).
  • We can also run jobs in parrallel ( parallism: 2)=> runs 2 jobs in parallel.
  • We can also run the jobs forever.

corn jobs:

  • run to completion in specific scheduled time.
  • we can do much things similar to that of jobs.
  • we can suspend the job after that it wont do or create any new jobs from now.
  • we can resume it anytime.
  • We can even run the jobs concurrently (enabled by default).(more than one job running at new time).
  • We can also say complete the job and only run the new one. useCases:
    • generally used for automated tasks
    • eg. sending email, db backup

Create a nfs server somewhere, in this case lets say locally.

  • create a directory
  • change ownership of the directory to nobody
  • install and enable the nfs-server
  • expose the directoyr
  • edit /ets/exports and paste srv/nfs/kubedata *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check,no_root_squash,no_all_squash,insecure)
  • export the directory sudo exportfs -rav
  • sudo exportfs -v show all the exports
  • login to the worker nodes and mount the volume mount -t nfs /mnt
  • Are used while deploying the applicatins that have state like database, or some app that needs to save data.
  • It deploys the replicas in order like R0,R1,R2 and so on.
  • we need headless service to allow the statefulsets to communicate with one another.
  • Each replica have their own PV, and even after restating the pod they remember the PV they have used.
  • Pod can be accssed by <headless_serice_name>.<pod_name>.
  • Everything happens in order, creation and even deletion and also rolling update.
  • Ordered provisiong, deletion and rolling update.
  • Manual provisiong.
  • Create the PV for each replicas of statefulset that we want to create.
  • Create storage class.
  • Once creating the Statefulset use the PresisetntVolumeClaimTemplete there.
  • Dymanic provisiong.

  • Create dymanic nfs provisioning.

  • Create storage class.

  • Create PVC.

  • Once creating the Statefulset use the PresisetntVolumeClaimTemplete from already created PVC.

  • This will automatically create the PV.

  • Headless service is mandatory.

  • If we want to access the statefulset applicaion from outside we need to create a seperate service.

  • While deleting the statefulset, some of the pods may not be deleted, so the preferred way to delete the stateful set is to scale down the statefulset to 0.

  • We need to delete pvc and pv manually once we delete the statefulset.

  • We need metric server to collect the pods and nodes metics.
  • These values are used to logging, visualizing the facts, scaling the pods or replicas base on the metrics.
  • Can be done usning helm or by using the mainifest files in the metric server repo.
  • Use the manifies file available it repo to install the metirc server.
  • But before deploying it we need to add these 2 in container args **--kubelet-preferred-address-types=InternalIP (host name resolution) **, --kubelet-insecure-tls (skip the tls certificate warning),
  • kubectl to nodes now we will be able to see the metrics.
  • For simplicity we can use helm to install the mertic server.
  • kubectl top nodes to see the metrics.
  • Collect metrics of all nodes and all pods.

All of the above can be done by using heapster also. Functionality of heapster or metric server is same. (but heapster is deprecated.)

  • Deploy metric server to check the metices.
  • User resources request in deployment files.
  • We need to give the cooling period.
  • (if one replica is created it will create the cooling time period to create next replics.It doesn't immediately scale up or down immediately. It scales up, wait for the cooling time and the scale up again, same for the scale down also.)
  • we can deploy HPA by using manifest files or as command also.
  • We need to provide the deployment in which the HPA should work.
  • After that give the metric threshold, after exceeding which it should replicate.
  • Run by commnad example kubectl autosacle deploy <deployment_name> --min --max --<metric_type> <metric_value>
  • eg kubectl autoscale deploy nginx --min 2 --max 5 --cpu-percent 20, scales up when cpu usage exceeds 20% for deployment name nginx.
  • For this to work we need to specify resource limit in the deployment file, otherwise it won't work.