Send messages as well as terminal command output to a specified telegram group.where token and chat_id were given defaultly, where it can be changed
[1/3] Install Required Packages :
First need to install some packages which is required:
For Linux - Debian :
sudo apt install python3 -y;sudo pip3 install requests;
For Linux - Arch :
sudo pacman -S python3 python3-requests
For Windows : pip3 install requests
[2/3] Copying the Script : <install git, refer internet>
git clone --depth=1
[3/3] Running :
cd Telegram-Sender/;python3
Notes :
You can contact me, if u need any help in trying this, i appreciate if u do.
if u found a bug, feel free to pull a issue
defautly this chat is connected to my telegram channel, u can add it your own channel, change .conf file according to your channel!