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Set deploy parameters

E. Lynette Rayle edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 10 revisions

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Set values in deploy-parameters.env

This section describes how to set parameters in deploy-parameters.env. The env file is read by aws-deploy.yaml to deploy the application.

Copy deploy-parameters.env.example and name it with a .env extension (e.g. deploy-parameters.env). Edit this file and update parameter values as instructed in the following steps.

AWS VPC ID and Subnet Ids

Reference: Amazon Virtural Private Cloud - User Guide

These are the same VPC and subnet ids used in the resources parameters. Copy the values from the resources parameters file (e.g. resources-parameters.env) to the "ParameterValue" for the following keys.

  • "ParameterKey": AWSVpcId - set to the id to the VPC ID (usually provided by your AWS Administrator) (e.g. "vpc-4d4bec2b")
  • "ParameterKey": SubnetIds - set to a comma separated list of the 2 subnet IDs (usually provided by your AWS Administrator) (e.g. "subnet-d7ad4ca1,subnet-83a890da")

Task Definition Name

The Task Definition Name (e.g. lookup-task-definition) is a name you assign for the results of the docker process that defines the two containers (i.e. application and database) and their volumes, and assigns network, memory, and cpu resources to each. Set that name as the "ParameterValue" for the following key.

  • "ParameterKey": "TaskDefinitionName" - assigned name for the task definition (e.g. lookup-task-definition)

S3 Bucket

Reference: Amazon Simple Storage Service - User Guide: Working with buckets

This is the S3 bucket name you assigned in Set resources parameters in section S3 Bucket. Use that same name as the "ParameterValue" for the following key.

  • "ParameterKey": S3BucketName - name you assigned to the S3 bucket (e.g. "lookup-bucket")

Env FileName

This is the name of the .env file you created in Upload files to S3 in section Upload .env in S3. Use that file name as the "ParameterValue" for the following key.

  • "ParameterKey": "EnvFileName" - name of .env file uploaded to S3 (e.g. ".env")

Domain Name

The Domain Name is the domain portion of the URL where your application will be accessed. You need to own or control this domain. An SSL certificate for the domain will be provisioned by the template. Use the domain name as the "ParameterValue" for the following key.

  • "ParameterKey": "DomainName" - domain name where your application will be accessed (e.g. "")

Image Location

The Image Location is the full path to the ld4p/qa_authority_lookup container image you want to use. The latest public image is available from AWS ECR at The complete list of tags is available at ld4p/qa_authority_lookup in the Public Gallery under the Image tags tab. Set the URI of the image you want to use as the "ParameterValue" for the following key.

  • "ParameterKey": "ImageLocation" - URI of image for the application (e.g. "")

EFS Volume ID and Access Points

info_24 The EFS Volume ID and Access Points are outputs from the resource allocation template. You can get the values from the CloudFormation Console. For more information on locating these values, see Validation and Outputs section in Run resource allocation template. Once you have those values, set them as the "ParameterValue" for the following keys.

Volume ID

The VolumeId is the ID of the volume where the database and authority files are stored. This is an EFS volume that must exist for the application to launch. The EFS volume must contain two access points that are specified in the next two parameters.

  • "ParameterKey": "VolumeId" - Volume ID for the EFS Filesystem (e.g. ""fs-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")


The AuthorityAccessPointId is the EFS Access Point ID of the volume where the authority files are stored. This will map to the application's authority file volume, and it should contain at least one authority file. If no authority files are found, the application will still launch, and static portions will display, but the Authorities, Check Status, and Monitor Status pages may behave unpredictably.

  • "ParameterKey": "AuthorityAccessPointId" - EFS Access Point for the authority configuration files (e.g. "fsap-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")


The DatabaseAccessPointId is the EFS Access Point ID of the volume where the database is stored. This can be empty at first launch, and it should be reused in subsequent launches if persistence of the data is desired.

  • "ParameterKey": "DatabaseAccessPointId" - EFS Access Point for the database (e.g. "fsap-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX")

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