My backbone network is Resnet-50 V1 ,whose output dimension is 512, trained by "ArcLoss" loss layer. My training data is provided by Trillion Pairs which is cleaned from MS-Celeb-1M and Asian-Celeb.The best performance for face recognition so far is 1.LFW: 99.3% accurace 2. Megaface: 93% true accept rate under 0.0001% false accept rate on 1:1 verification
Backbone network : Resnet-50 V1 with 512 dim output. My [Pre-trained model] ( is provided by Tensorflow
Loss layer : Arc Loss layer
Training data is downloaded from Trillion Pairs (both MS-Celeb-1M-v1c and Asian-Celeb)
All face images are aligned by Dlib: 5-point landmark and and cropped to 224x224 and packed in binary format
How to packed in binary format ? pls see Data
Environment : windows 10 + Python 3.5(installed by Anaconda) + Tensorflow 1.5.0 GPU version
GPU : 1080Ti
Batch Size : 50
Step 1: Put the packed binary format data in the floder named "training"
Step 2: run First argument is to chose FR or Gender or Age which means which task you want to train. -train_sets and -valid_sets mean the training and valid binary file name (not including Extension)
python FR -train_sets bin_file_name -valid_sets bin_file_name
If you want to see all arguments, pls typing
python -h
In the training process, trained model and training log will saved at "Model" floder
It will create a floder named loss_debug to save the loss of each step.
About learning rate decay.Instead of steps or polynomial decay, the learning rate will dacay automatically when loss stop improving. it will make the network trained better because you never know how many steps the training need before you train it. How to determine loss stop improving
Need to install MPI4.0.0+ and honovod
Modify : comment line 9, un-comment line 10, comment line 727 , un-comment line728 which direct the path to save your trained model
To run on a machine with 2 GPUs
horovodrun -np 2 -H localhost:2 python FR -train_sets bin_file_name -valid_sets bin_file_name
python 0 -model pb_file_path
The fisrt argument determine which dataset to evaluate.There are six options 0:LFW 1:asian_valid 2:asian_training 3:west_valid 4:west_training 5:Geo_test set
optional arguments is image width and feature dimetion
The result will show best average accuracy at same persion and different persion and the gap. The definition of gap is that distance between same and different people group divided by stdev of different people group.
Option 0~4 will run 5 times because we only evaluate a small set sampling from the whole data set. Option 5 evaluate whole data set so run 1 time only.
python Age -dir eval_floder -model pb_file_path
Fisrt argument determine evaluate whether age or gender
the floder need to be structured as follows
The result will show the average accuracy over all labels and confusion matrix.
"" is to evaulate labeled data_set. However the number of gender test data is too small.We sample and classify gender on a small group of images from MS_Celeb_1M which is not labeled and label the small group to get accuracy.
python -out_dir output_floder_name -model pb_file_path
-out_dir is the name of output floder which will create at Data/MS-Celeb-1M
Bigger batch size seems to make the network trained better