Allows marking up different models in Redmine with tags.
Inspired by original redmine_tags
of Eric Davis.
- Issues
- Wiki pages
- Ruby
>= 2.0.0
- Redmine
>= 3.0.0
Clone this repository into
.cd redmine/plugins git clone
Install dependencies and migrate database.
bundle install rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_tags RAILS_ENV=production
Restart your Redmine web server.
Make sure you have the latest database structure loaded to the test database:
rake db:structure:dump
rake db:drop db:create db:structure:load RAILS_ENV=test
You need to have the redmine_testing_gems plugin:
git clone
bundle install
After you cloned the plugin, run the follwing command:
rake redmine:plugins:spec RAILS_ENV=test NAME=redmine_tags
WARNING: This plugin shares the tags
and taggings
tables with other plugins
that use the acts-as-taggable-on
gem. Do not run the below command if you have
another active plugin using them.
rake redmine:plugins:migrate NAME=redmine_tags VERSION=0 FORCE_REDMINE_TAGS_TABLES_REMOVAL=yes
This plugin is licensed under the terms of GNU/GPL v3+. See COPYING and LICENSE for details.