This repo contains:
- An'app' folder with the code with the jupyter notebooks used as part of a webinar given on plotting the COVID-19 data with plotly with python given at the invitation of Reispar technologies.
The data used in this repo can be found on the European Cente for Disease Contol and Prevention website
This project was created with Python 3.7.7 & miniconda version 4.8.1 using Windows 10.
To install miniconda:
From the (anaconda) console:
conda create --name [environment_name]
Enter the new environment:
conda activate [environment_name]
To follow this tutorial with jupyter lab you will need to install jupyter lab (1.2.6 was used in the creation of this workbook)
conda install jupyterlab=1.2
To install nodejs (if you do not already hav this installed)
conda install nodejs
To run plotly in a jupyter workbook you will need to do the following described here
conda install "ipywidgets=7.5"
Avoid "JavaScript heap out of memory" errors during extension installation
(OS X/Linux)
export NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096
# (Windows)
set NODE_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=4096
# Jupyter widgets extension
jupyter labextension install @jupyter-widgets/[email protected] --no-build
# jupyterlab renderer support
jupyter labextension install [email protected] --no-build
# FigureWidget support
jupyter labextension install [email protected] --no-build
# Build extensions (must be done to activate extensions since --no-build is used above)
jupyter lab build
# Wait ... this may take a while
# Unset NODE_OPTIONS environment variable
# (OS X/Linux)
# (Windows)
conda install pandas
pip install chart_studio
You will need to create an account (for free):
You will also need to create a file called '' which contains your chart studio username and API key.
USERNAME=[your username]
API_KEY=[your API Key]
If you want to use plotly dash
conda install dash