DSVania Randomizer 1.4.3
Note: This is an outdated version. The latest version of DSVania Randomizer can be downloaded here: https://github.com/LagoLunatic/dsvrandom/releases/latest
Bug fixes:
- When Boss Randomizer is on in DoS, fixed the boss placed in the throne room not dropping the progression soul it's supposed to.
- Fixed Abaddon not properly appearing when placed in Puppet Master's room by the Boss Randomizer.
- Fixed Great Ghost in PoR sometimes not being able to spawn because it was placed in the same room as an infinite enemy spawner.
- Fixed the extra save point added to the starting room in OoE sometimes being stuck inside of a wall.
- Fixed bugs in the progression logic that could sometimes cause unbeatable seeds in OoE.
- Fixed a bug that could rarely cause one progression item to not be placed in DoS.
- Fixed certain bosses spawning out of bounds when placed in Medusa's boss room by the Boss Randomizer.
- Fixed custom difficulty settings not being properly remembered after closing and reopening the randomizer program.