Scripts and data for the CK2 substrate quality manuscript. Almost all scripts are written in R code and provided in the format of an R markdown file (.Rmd). The scripts are organised with respect to their corresponding figures / supplementary figures. There is sufficient code and data here to reproduce almost all analysis in the manuscript. I have not uploaded large input files (>25 MB) that can be obtained from an external source e.g. a supplementary table from a different paper. The script for supplementary figure 7 is in the directory for Figure 4.
- For Figure 3, the cell cycle data was sourced from supplementary table 2 of
- For Figure 3, phosphoproteome condition data was sourced from
- For Figure 3, some of the cka1/cka2 interaction data was sourced from BioGRID:
- For Figure 3, the regulation data (Table S1 and S6) was sourced from:
- Protein RSA/disorder data was sourced from: