Scripts and data for the analysis of transposable elements in hybrid yeast mutation accumulation (MA) lines with long reads
Analysis of Ty1 transposition fluctuation assays
Sorting of long-read libraries into subgenomes
Classification of TE orthogroups into SV types
Processing of TE annotations
Compute depth of coverage from sorted libraries mapped on rDNA-masked parental assemblies
Binned depth of coverage data for manual visualization of polyploidy/aneuploidy/LOH loci
Depth of coverage data merged by tracts
Conversion of subgenome assembly coordinates into parental coordinates
Polished subgenome-level assemblies
Reciprocal alignment of subgenome assemblies and rDNA-masked parental assemblies for liftover and reverse-liftover
Mapping of sorted libraries on subgenome assemblies
Mapping of long-read libraries for sorting
Alignment of parental genomes for Ty loci orthology
Alignment of polished subgenome assemblies against parental assemblies
Extraction of genomic variants that discriminate the parents of each cross
Processing of RepeatMasker TE annotations
TE annotation in subgenome assemblies
Conversion of parental coordinates into subgenome assembly coordinates
Main scripts
Stats on raw basecalled read libraries
Sorting of long-read libraries into subgenomes
Assembly of subgenomes