Directory contents:
Notebook file for nanopore assembly and annotation of parental mtDNAs
Notebook file for comparison of nanopore mtDNA assemblies with previously published illumina mtDNA assemblies lines.
Notebook file for computation of parental evolutionary divergence (nuclear and mtDNA) of the MA crosses
Notebook file for neighbor-joining phylogenetic trees of individual mtDNA features
Notebook file for analysis of mtDNA recombination, mtDNA deletion, respiration, and aneuploidies in MA
Script to produce liftover tables from mugsy pairwise whole-genome alingments. Used to confirm marker variants and analyze long read assemblies from MA lines.
Direcrtory containing mtDNA assemblies (.fasta), processed annotations (.gff), and raw MFannot outputs (.new, .new.sqn, .new.tbl) for the 13 parental strains of the MA crosses.