Neutron is an open-source plugin written to try to provide the bare essentials for servers using Velocity.
You can download Neutron from the CodeMC Jenkins:
Neutron just entered its first release, there may still be lingering bugs
Currently, Neutron offers 6 commands:
- broadcasts a message to everyone connected to the proxyfind
- allows you to find what server another player is oninfo
- provides information regarding a playerglist
- shows a list of all servers along with how many players are connectedmessage
- sends a private message to another playersend
- sends either a player, a server, or everyone to a specified server
Alongside the commands, Neutron offers 4 modules:
- Announcements:
- Announcements will be sent to all online players at set intervals
- Multiple lists can be defined, which can run a different intervals with different messages
- You can choose whether a list will maintain its order or be randomized
- Each list can have a
, which is added to the beginning of every message in the list
- Commands:
- Allows the customization of all command aliases
- Disable each command individually, or disable them all
- Locales:
- Translate all messages per player using pre-defined localizations
- English(
) is default and currently the only locale shipped with the plugin - Adding locales:
- Copy the existing
file and rename it to the target locale - Change any messages to your liking
- Save the file, and run /velocity reload in-game
- Copy the existing
- Server list:
- Provide a custom MOTD for your server in the multiplayer server list
- Change the max players online:
: player count matches the number of players onlineOneMore
: player count shows the number of players online plus 1Ping
: ping all online backend servers and sum the max player countsStatic
: player count will always be the number defined undermax-player-count
- Change the message shown when the mouse hovers over the online player count:
: preview will show the messages defined underpreview-messages
: preview matches the vanilla server preview of showing online playersEmpty
: preview is empty
Modules can be enabled/disabled
in the config.conf
All modules support reloading with the /velocity reload
Permissions are simply in the way that all command permissions are neutron.command.{command}
For example: the permission for alert is neutron.command.alert
If you run into any issues, please report them on Github:
I'm usually lurking around the Velocity discord if you want to chat about anything regarding Neutron