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Setting the data




if(require("tcltk2")){ print("tcltk2 is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install tcltk2") install.packages("tcltk2") if(require(tcltk2)){ print("tcltk2 installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install tcltk2") } }

if(require("geoR")){ print("geoR is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install geoR") install.packages("geoR") if(require(geoR)){ print("geoR installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install geoR") } }

if(require("rgdal")){ print("rgdal is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install rgdal") install.packages("rgdal") if(require(rgdal)){ print("rgdal installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install rgdal") } }

if(require("rgeos")){ print("rgeos is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install rgeos") install.packages("rgeos") if(require(rgeos)){ print("rgeos installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install rgeos") } }

if(require("plyr")){ print("plyr is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install plyr") install.packages("plyr") if(require(plyr)){ print("plyr installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install plyr") } }

if(require("raster")){ print("raster is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install raster") install.packages("raster") if(require(raster)){ print("raster installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install raster") } }

if(require("ggplot2")){ print("ggplot2 is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install ggplot2") install.packages("ggplot2") if(require(ggplot2)){ print("ggplot2 installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install ggplot2") } }

if(require("moments")){ print("moments is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install moments") install.packages("moments") if(require(moments)){ print("moments installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install moments") } }

if(require("robustbase")){ print("robustbase is loaded correctly") } else { print("trying to install robustbase") install.packages("robustbase") if(require(robustbase)){ print("robustbase installed and loaded") } else { stop("could not install robustbase") } }

List of packages

pkg <- c("geoR","moments","rgeos","tcltk2", "raster", "rgdal", "ggplot2","plyr", "robustbase")

sapply(pkg, require, character.only=TRUE)

Reading the data

shp format

options(digits = 12) library(rgdal) data.shape<-readOGR(dsn=",",layer="xyzest.shp") summary(data.shape)

txt format

txt <- read.table("XYZest.txt", sep=";", dec=".", header = TRUE) coordinates(txt) <- ~X+Y #Definido sistema de proje??o do arquivo txt proj4string(txt) = CRS("+proj=utm +zone=23 +south +ellps=GRS80 +units=m +no_defs")


Analysis performed on the text file:


Generate file for independence analysis

write.table(aux, "data_para_semivariogram.txt", dec=",")

Data reading for independence analysis

data <- read.geodata("data_para_semivariogram.txt", header=T, dec=",",coords=1:2, data.col=3) names(data) data

Exploratory analysis



Main measures

(med = round(mean(aux$Z_est),3)) (min = round(min(aux$Z_est),3)) (max = round(max(aux$Z_est),3)) (des = round(sd(aux$Z_est),4)) (var = round(var(aux$Z_est),4)) (CV = round(100*sd(aux$Z_est)/mean(aux$Z_est),2)) (curt = round(kurtosis(aux$Z_est),2)) (assim = round(skewness(aux$Z_est),2)) (n=length(aux$Z_est)) (dist.min= round((distances.summary[1]),3)) (dist.max= round((distances.summary[2]),3))

Exporting information:

sink("Resultados.txt", type="output", append=T) cat("##### Doctoral thesis #####\n Professor Italo O. Ferreira \n [email protected]\n\n AEDO Methodology - Effective Algorithm for Outlier Detection \n Exploratory Data Analysis:","\n", "------------------------------------------------------","\n", n, "observations" ,"\n", "Mean:" ,med,'metros' ,"\n", "Minimum:" ,min,"metros" ,"\n", "Maximum:" ,max,"metros" ,"\n", "variance:" ,var,"metros?" ,"\n", "Standard deviation:" ,des,"metros" ,"\n", "CV:" ,CV,"%" ,"\n", "Coef. of kurtosis: " ,curt ,"\n", "Coef. of asymmetry:" ,assim ,"\n", "dist.min:" ,dist.min,"metros" ,"\n", "dist.max:" ,dist.max,"metros" ,"\n", "------------------------------------------------------","\n", fill=F) sink() shell.exec("Resultados.txt")

Graphs for exploratory analysis

windows(8,6,title="Graphs for exploratory analysis") par(mfrow=c(2,2), family="serif") hist(aux$Z_est, xlab="Depths (m)", ylab= "Frequency", main="Histogram") plot(density(aux$Z_est), xlab="Depths (m)", ylab= "Frequency", main=" Density") boxplot(aux$Z_est, ylab= "Depths (m)", main="Boxplot (Tukey)") qqnorm(aux$Z_est, xlab="Theoretical Quantiles", ylab= "Sampled Quantities", main="Normal Q-Q Plot") qqline(aux$Z_est,lty=2, col='red') par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif")

windows(8,6,canvas="snow2",title="Depths (m)") ggplot(aux, aes(x = X, y = Y, colour = Z)) + geom_point()+ xlab("E (m)") + ylab("N (m)") + ggtitle("Study area") + theme_bw()+theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

Independence Analysis (semivariogram)

Empirical semivariogram

Construction of 4 semivariograms:

#1 - with range equal to 100% of the maximum distance #2 - with range equal to 75% of the maximum distance #3 - with range equal to 50% of the maximum distance #4 - with range equal to 25% of maximum distance

windows(8,6,title="Omnidirectional Semivariogram") escala.y=2*var

par(mfrow=c(2,2), family="serif") vario.emp.1 <- variog(data,max.dist=(dist.max), direction="omnidirectional") plot(vario.emp.1,ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("100% of the Maximum Distance")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n')

vario.emp.1 <- variog(data,max.dist=(0.75*dist.max), direction="omnidirectional") plot(vario.emp.1,ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("75% of the Maximum Distance")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n')

vario.emp.1 <- variog(data,max.dist=(0.50*dist.max), direction="omnidirectional") plot(vario.emp.1,ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("50% of the Maximum Distance")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n')

vario.emp.1 <- variog(data,max.dist=(0.25*dist.max), direction="omnidirectional") plot(vario.emp.1,ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("25% of the Maximum Distance")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n') par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif")

dist.max 0.75dist.max 0.50dist.max 0.25*dist.max

Omnidirectional Semivariogram of Discrepancies/Monte Carlo Envelope

M<-(0.25*dist.max) #Semivariogram of discrepancies for distance from M m.

windows(8,6,title="Omnidirectional Semivariogram") par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif") vario.emp.1 <- variog(data,max.dist= M, direction="omnidirectional") plot(vario.emp.1, ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("Depth Semivariogram")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n')

vario.env <-, obj.v=vario.emp.1) plot(vario.emp.1, env=vario.env,ylim=c(0,escala.y),xlab="Distancies (m)",ylab="Semivariance (m?)", main=("Depth Semivariogram")) abline(var(data$data),0, col="gray60", lty=2, lwd=2) legend("topleft","Sample Variance", col="gray60",lty=2, lwd=2,bty='n')

Exporting information:

sink("Resultados.txt", type="output", append=T) cat("Semivariogram calculation results:","\n", "------------------------------------------------------","\n", vario.emp.1$, "observa??es" ,"\n", "Disatncies:" , vario.emp.1$u ,"\n", "Semivariance:" ,vario.emp.1$v ,"\n", "Number of pairs in each lot:" ,vario.emp.1$n ,"\n", "Standard deviation of each lot:" ,vario.emp.1$sd,"\n", "Maximum distance:" ,vario.emp.1$max.dist,"\n", "Direction:" ,vario.emp.1$direction ,"\n", "------------------------------------------------------","\n", fill=F) sink() shell.exec("Resultados.txt")

########################################################################### ###Independent sample, continue analysis... ###Dependent sample, perform statistical analysis and work with RPs. ###########################################################################

Search Radius Determination: 3x the minimum distance




Analysis performed on the shp file


Analysis performed on the text file


Radius of each buffer

dist <- gDistance(aux1, byid=T) # apply to all points dist[which(dist==0)] <- NA raio <- 3* mean (apply(dist,1, min, na.rm=T)) #raio <- 3* dist.min # geostatistical analysis raio

User-entered radius

raio <- as.numeric(readline("Inform the value of the radius that will be used to analyze the data:")) raio

Delta method constant:

#1 for uneven reliefs or artificial channels (high variability) #2 for undulating reliefs (medium variability) #3 for flat reliefs (low variability)

c <- 1

Apply outlier detection techniques

out_box_ALL <- out_MAD_ALL<- out_sd_ALL<- NULL count_ptsInBuffer <- NULL aa <- Sys.time()

for (i in 1:dim(aux1)[1]) { ptsInBuffer <- NULL out_box <- out_MAD <- out_sd<-NULL bufferedPoints <- gBuffer(aux1[i,],width=raio,byid=TRUE) bufPolygons <- bufferedPoints@polygons bufSpPolygons <- SpatialPolygons((bufPolygons)) plot(bufSpPolygons) points(aux1) bufSpPolygonDf <-SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(bufSpPolygons,bufferedPoints@data) crs(bufSpPolygonDf) <- crs(aux1) ptsInBuffer <- which(gIntersects(aux1, bufSpPolygonDf, byid=TRUE)==TRUE) count_ptsInBuffer <- c(ptsInBuffer, count_ptsInBuffer) #Minimum number to perform outlier analysis if (length(ptsInBuffer)>7) {

  # ======= ADJUSTED BOXPLOT =========

  #outlier identification for each buffer by the ADJUSTED BOXPLOT

  out_box <- ptsInBuffer[which(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer]==
                                 unique(adjbox(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer], plot=FALSE)$out))]
  if (sum(! != 0) {out_box_ALL <-  c(out_box_ALL, out_box)}

  ### End analysis by adjusted boxplot
  # ======= MODIFIED Z-SCORE =========
  ### outlier identification for each buffer by the MODIFIED Z-SCORE

  dz <- aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer]

  ZSM = abs((0.6745*(dz-median(dz)))/(mad(dz,constant = 1)))
  treshold <- 3.5

  out_MAD <- ptsInBuffer[(ZSM > treshold)]
  if (sum(! != 0) 
  {out_MAD_ALL <-  c(out_MAD_ALL, out_MAD)}
  #Fim an?lise pelo z-score modificado

  # ======= Delta method =========
  if (mad(aux1@data$Z) > mad(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer]))
    lim <- 0.5*(mad(aux1@data$Z)+mad(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer]))
  if (mad(aux1@data$Z) <= mad(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer]))
    lim <- mad(aux1@data$Z)
  treshold_low <-  median(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer])- c * lim   # lower threshold
  treshold_high <-  median(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer])+c * lim   # upper threshold
  out_sd <- ptsInBuffer[(aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer] < treshold_low)
                        | (aux1@data$Z[ptsInBuffer] > treshold_high)]
  if (sum(! != 0) 
  {out_sd_ALL <-  c(out_sd_ALL, out_sd)}


Sys.time() - aa

Analyze and locate outliers

======= AJUSTED BOXPLOT =========

if (sum(! != 0) { n_ocorrencia_BOX <-,count(out_box_ALL), by = c("x","x")) n_ocorrencia_BOX <- cbind(n_ocorrencia_BOX, round(n_ocorrencia_BOX[,3]/n_ocorrencia_BOX[,2],2)) colnames(n_ocorrencia_BOX) <- c("ponto","freq_lido", "freq_out", "percentual") # applying name to table attributes

  #Probability of the data being a spike 

  p <- 0.5 
  pts_eliminados <- n_ocorrencia_BOX$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_BOX$percentual>=p)]
  aux1_BOX <- aux1[-pts_eliminados,]


if (sum(! == 0) {aux1_BOX <- aux1}

windows(8,6,title="Spikes detected by the Adjusted Boxplot") par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif") #Plot data base without outlier plot(aux1_BOX, pch=3, col=4, xlab="E (m)", ylab= "N (m)", main="Spikes detected by the Adjusted Boxplot") #Plot the outliers points(aux1[pts_eliminados,], pch=19, col=2) legend('bottomleft',legend=c('Bathymetric Points','Spikes'),col=c(4, 2),pch=c(3,19))

======= MODIFIED Z-SCORE =========

if (sum(! != 0) { n_ocorrencia_MAD <-,count(out_MAD_ALL), by = c("x","x")) n_ocorrencia_MAD <- cbind(n_ocorrencia_MAD, round(n_ocorrencia_MAD[,3]/n_ocorrencia_MAD[,2],2)) colnames(n_ocorrencia_MAD) <- c("ponto","freq_lido", "freq_out", "percentual") # applying name to table attributes

  #Probability of the data being a spike 

  p <- 0.8
  pts_eliminados <- n_ocorrencia_MAD$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_MAD$percentual>=p)]
  aux1_MAD <- aux1[-pts_eliminados,]


if (sum(! == 0) {aux1_MAD <- aux1}

windows(8,6,title="Spikes Detected by Modified Z-Score") par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif") #Plot data base without outlier plot(aux1_MAD, pch=3, col=4, xlab="E (m)", ylab= "N (m)", main="Spikes Detected by Modified Z-Score")
#Plot the outliers points(aux1[pts_eliminados,], pch=19, col=2)
legend('bottomleft',legend=c('Bathymetric Points','Spikes'),col=c(4, 2),pch=c(3,19))

======= DELTA METHOD =========

if (sum(! != 0) { n_ocorrencia_sd <-,count(out_sd_ALL), by = c("x","x")) n_ocorrencia_sd <- cbind(n_ocorrencia_sd, round(n_ocorrencia_sd[,3]/n_ocorrencia_sd[,2],3)) colnames(n_ocorrencia_sd) <- c("ponto","freq_lido", "freq_out", "percentual") # applying name to table attributes

  #Probability of the data being a spike 

  p <- 0.5 
  pts_eliminados <- n_ocorrencia_sd$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_sd$percentual>=p)]
  aux1_sd <- aux1[-pts_eliminados,]


if (sum(! == 0) {aux1_sd <- aux1}

windows(8,6,title="Spikes Detected by The Delta Method") par(mfrow=c(1,1), family="serif") #Plot data base without outlier plot(aux1_sd, pch=3, col=4, xlab="E (m)", ylab= "N (m)", main="Spikes Detected by The Delta Method") #Plot the outliers points(aux1[pts_eliminados,], pch=19, col=2)
legend('bottomleft',legend=c('Bathymetric Points','Spikes'),col=c(4, 2),pch=c(3,19))

Save tables for analysis

write.table(n_ocorrencia_BOX, "Tab_boxplot_Ajustado.txt", dec=",") write.table(n_ocorrencia_MAD, "Tab_Z_Scores.txt", dec=",") write.table(n_ocorrencia_sd, "Tab_3_Delta.txt", dec=",")

Comparison of the agreement between the spikes detected by each threshold

Repetidos <- function(z,b) {BZ <- unique( c(z, b)) return(((abs(length (BZ) - length(c(z, b))))/ (min (length(z), length(b))))*100) }

Adjusted Boxplot and Modified Z-Score


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_BOX$ponto, n_ocorrencia_MAD$ponto)


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_BOX$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_BOX$percentual>=0.5)], n_ocorrencia_MAD$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_MAD$percentual>=0.8)])

Adjusted and Delta boxplot


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_BOX$ponto, n_ocorrencia_sd$ponto)


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_BOX$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_BOX$percentual>=0.5)], n_ocorrencia_sd$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_sd$percentual>=0.5)])

Delta and Modified Z-Score


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_sd$ponto, n_ocorrencia_MAD$ponto)


Repetidos(n_ocorrencia_sd$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_sd$percentual>=0.5)], n_ocorrencia_MAD$ponto[which(n_ocorrencia_MAD$percentual>=0.8)])

Generate dps file without outliers in txt format (X, Y, Z, dz)

write.table(aux1_BOX, "data_semout_boxplot_ajustado.txt", dec=",")

write.table(aux1_MAD, "data_semout_ZSM.txt", dec=",")

write.table(aux1_sd, "data_semout_delta.txt", dec=",")

Generate dps file without outliers in shp format (X, Y, Z, dz)

writeOGR(aux1_BOX, dsn=".", layer="data_semout_boxplot_ajustado", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

writeOGR(aux1_MAD, dsn=".", layer="data_semout_ZSM", driver="ESRI Shapefile")

writeOGR(aux1_sd, dsn=".", layer="data_semout_delta", driver="ESRI Shapefile")


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published