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Releases: Layr-Labs/eigenlayer-contracts


06 Mar 21:46
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v1.3.0 Pre-release


This is the release candidate for the upcoming EigenLayer slashing release. It encompasses changes from two external audits along with several testing upgrades.

Breaking Changes

  • Require AVS Metadata Registration prior to Opset Creation #1025
  • Rename getQueuedWithdrawal -> queuedWithdrawals: #1133
  • Behavior of getMinimumSlashableStake: #1037
  • encumberedMagnitude getter: #1038

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.1.1...v1.3.0


21 Feb 15:28
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v.1.1.1 Pre-release


This release is a hotfix upgrade to preprod/testnet with the purpose of unblocking AVSs and their integration with Slashing. It addresses some edge cases uncovered during audit and integration testing from AVS partners.

The changes in this upgrade are being prioritized to go live prior to a larger patch with the majority of the audit fix changes. This is scheduled for early March, and it progress can be viewed here #1046 or in the slashing-magnitude-fixes branch.

We are splitting these releases due to the interface changes we note below. As they may necessitate small reworks from AVSs, we are releasing them in advance of a larger patch with the remaining audit fixes.

Note: The rewards v2.1 changes in v1.1.1 are part of this release.

What's Changed

  • Added address avs field in calldata of IAVSRegistry.registerOperatorIAVSRegistry.deregisterOperator

    • The interface IAVSreigsitry can be found here.
  • Added IAVSRegistry.supportsAVS(avs) interface which is checked upon setting an AVS registry.
    There are now additional checks on the AVS registry being set to prevent registries being used without consent for multiple AVSs. The address avs field should also be verified by AVSs upon callbacks.

  • Removed the try/catch on AllocationManager.deregisterFromOperatorSets
    Operator deregistration will be a atomic interaction between the core and AVS contracts with the try/catch being removed. AVSs won’t have to account for how previously an operator could be still seen as registered in AVS contracts but have deregistered on the AllocationManager.

  • OperatorSets require avs metadata being set before they are created.

Full Changelog: v1.0.3...yash/merge-rewardsv2.1-in-v1.1.1


06 Feb 19:12
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.3...v1.1.0-testnet


21 Jan 21:02
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The Rewards v2 protocol upgrade is the next iteration of EigenLayer rewards. The proposal is outlined in depth in (ELIP-001).

Rewards v2 addresses key challenges identified in the EigenLayer Rewards MVP (v1), particularly the need for Operator-directed rewards via external logic and flexibility for Operators in setting different fee rates to better cover operating costs or attract more stake when running different AVS types. The growing demand from AVSs for more performance-based rewards prompted this upgrade, ensuring EigenLayer's rewards protocol can serve a wider variety of scenarios.

This upgrade to the core contracts has been audited. The results of these audits are public and can be found here.

Breaking changes and upcoming breaking changes

Operators that integrated the first released version of the Rewards code should note the following naming change. globalOperatorCommissionBips has been renamed to defaultOperatorSplitBips.


  • Performance-based and directed rewards from AVSs to Operators via the createOperatorDirectedAVSRewardsSubmission function.
  • Operator-configurable split for AVS Rewards, via the setOperatorAVSSplit function on the RewardsCoordinator to allow per-AVS variable Operator fees.
  • Operator-configurable split for Programmatic Incentives with the Eigen Foundation, via the setOperatorPISplit function on the RewardsCoordinator to allow variable operator fees for Programmatic Incentives.
  • Batch claiming for both Stakers and Operators via the processClaims function on the RewardsCoordinator
  • Permissionless verifiability of the entire Rewards pipeline via the open-source Eigen Sidecar. More details on this can be found in the Sidecar repository.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.3-mainnet-rewards-foundation-incentives...v0.5.4


17 Jan 16:44
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v0.5.4-holesky

Slashing Audit Release

28 Jan 21:30
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Audit release for SP/Certora


06 Jan 21:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.0.2...v1.0.3


19 Dec 19:40
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This release marks the testnet slashing release. A full spec change is in documented in ELIP-002

See the following docs for breaking changes:

New Addresses

There are two new core contracts deployed

Name Proxy Implementation Notes
AllocationManager 0x78469728304326CBc65f8f95FA756B0B73164462 0xe03d...4ee2 Proxy: [email protected]
PermissionController 0x598cb226B591155F767dA17AfE7A2241a68C5C10 0x7ab0...a2b9 Proxy: [email protected]

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.5.3...v1.0.2


19 Dec 19:26
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This release marks the Rewards v2 upgrade. Please see EigenLayer Improvement Proposal-001: Rewards v2 for a technical description of this upgrade.

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.4.3-mainnet-rewards-foundation-incentives...v0.5.3


17 Oct 07:40
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Slashing Public Devnet Alpha Release

NOTE: No guarantees are made on the correctness of this code. It is unaudited and should not be used in production integrations.

This release is a fresh deploy of the EigenLayer protocol on Holesky. A list of contract addresses is below:

Name Address
DelegationManager 0x3391eBafDD4b2e84Eeecf1711Ff9FC06EF9Ed182
StrategyManager 0x70f8bC2Da145b434de66114ac539c9756eF64fb3
AVSDirectory 0xCa839541648D3e23137457b1Fd4A06bccEADD33a
AllocationManager 0xAbD5Dd30CaEF8598d4EadFE7D45Fd582EDEade15
StrategyFactory 0x09F8f1c1ca1815083a8a05E1b4A0c65EFB509141
RewardsCoordinator 0xa7DB7B0E63B5B75e080924F9C842758711177c07
EigenPodManager 0x8C9781FD55c67CE4DC08e3035ECbdB2B67a07307

See the deployment config for additional configurations and implementation contracts.

Key Changes Include:

  • AVSDirectory
  • AllocationManager
  • Accounting for the DelegationManager and StrategyManager updated to take into account slashing of operator's shares

Native Restaking and Rewards functionally are paused. There is currently a wethStrategy deployed and the StrategyFactory can be used to create additional restaking tokens.

An associated in-progress AVS reference contract implementation can be found here.

Full Changelog: v0.4.3-mainnet-rewards-foundation-incentives...v1.0.0-devnet-slashing-alpha