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Supabase-Java 🚀

Supabase-Java is a Java library that simplifies interaction with the Supabase.

Features ✨

  • User Authentication: Perform user authentication operations.
  • Serverless Functions: Invoke serverless functions.
  • PostgREST Interaction: Interact with the Supabase database using the PostgREST API. Supports all filters and operations.
  • JavaScript Like Syntax: Closely matches the chaining syntax of supabase-js

Installation 🛠️

To use Supabase-Java in your Java project:

  1. Get your Supabase Credentials:

    If you are not using a self-hosted / local instance, you can use the hosted version

  2. Download Source Code:

    Clone or download the source code of this library from the repository.

  3. Include in Your Project:

    • Include the downloaded supabase-java source code into your project structure.
    • Adjust your project configuration (e.g., Maven or Gradle) to include the library source files.

Usage 🚀

Using Supabase-Java is straightforward. Here's some common use cases:

  1. Initialize Supabase Client:

    SupabaseClient supabase = new SupabaseClient("", "your-api-key");
  2. Configure Authentication:

    // Access the auth instance
    GoTrue auth = supabase.auth;
    // Example: Sign up a new user
    auth.signUp("[email protected]", "password123");
  3. Invoke Serverless Functions:

    // Access the functions client
    FunctionsClient functionsClient = supabase.functions;
    // Example: Invoke a serverless function
    String result = functionsClient.invoke("functionName");
  4. Work with the Database:

    // Access the Postgrest client
    PostgrestClient postgrestClient = supabase.from("tasks");
    // Example: Select query with filters and ordering
    JSONObject response = postgrestClient
        .select("id, task_name, completed")
        .eq("completed", "false")

Contributing 🤝

Contributions, bug reports, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to open issues and pull requests.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


The SupabaseClient class is the main entry point for interacting with Supabase in Java.


  • SupabaseClient(String supabaseUrl, String supabaseKey): Initializes the Supabase client with the Supabase URL and API key.

Accessing Subclasses

  • auth: Instance of GoTrue class for handling user authentication.
  • functions: Instance of FunctionsClient for invoking serverless functions.
  • from: Function that returns an instance of PostgrestClient for handling database requests


The PostgrestClient class provides functionalities to interact with the Supabase database using the PostgREST API.


  • Methods for building queries to interact with the database by specifying select queries, filters, ordering, limits, inserts, updates, and deletions.

As the PostgrestClient is accessed through an instance of SupabaseClient, here's an overview of how to use it:

SupabaseClient supabase = new SupabaseClient("", "your-api-key");
PostgrestClient postgrestClient = supabase.from("table_name");

The following methods can be used on PostgrestClient:

Query Building Methods

  • select(String selectQuery): Specifies the columns to retrieve.
  • eq(String column, String value): Filters by equality.
  • neq(String column, String value): Filters by inequality.
  • gt(String column, String value): Filters by greater than.
  • gte(String column, String value): Filters by greater than or equal to.
  • lt(String column, String value): Filters by less than.
  • lte(String column, String value): Filters by less than or equal to.
  • like(String column, String value): Filters by pattern matching.
  • ilike(String column, String value): Filters by case-insensitive pattern matching.
  • is(String column, String value): Filters by null or not null values.
  • in(String column, T[] values): Filters by inclusion in an array.
  • contains(String column, T[] values): Filters by containing elements in an array.
  • containedBy(String column, T[] values): Filters by being contained by another array.
  • rangeGt(String column, T[] range): Filters by range greater than.
  • rangeGte(String column, T[] range): Filters by range greater than or equal to.
  • rangeLt(String column, T[] range): Filters by range less than.
  • rangeLte(String column, T[] range): Filters by range less than or equal to.
  • rangeAdjacent(String column, T[] range): Filters by adjacent range.
  • overlaps(String column, T[] range): Filters by overlapping range.
  • textSearch(String column, String query, PostgrestFullTextSearchOptions options): Performs a full-text search.
  • match(Map<String, T> columnValueMap): Filters by matching multiple columns to specified values.
  • not(String column, String operator, String value): Negates a filter.
  • or(String orFilters): Combines multiple filters using logical OR.
  • or(String orFilters, String foreignTable): Combines multiple filters on a foreign table using logical OR.
  • filter(String column, String operator, String value): Applies a custom filter.
  • order(String column, PostgrestOrderOptions options): Orders the result set by column.
  • order(String column): Orders the result set by column (default ordering).
  • limit(int limit): Limits the number of records returned.
  • limit(int limit, String foreignTable): Limits the number of records returned from a foreign table.
  • range(int from, int to): Limits the records returned within a specified range.
  • range(int from, int to, String foreignTable): Limits the records returned from a foreign table within a specified range.
  • single(): Limits the result to a single record.
  • csv(): Requests data in CSV format.
  • insert(JSONObject body): Inserts a new record.
  • insert(JSONArray body): Inserts multiple records.
  • upsert(JSONObject body): Upserts a record (inserts or updates).
  • upsert(JSONArray body): Upserts multiple records.
  • update(JSONObject body): Updates existing records.
  • delete(): Deletes records.

Example usage of PostgrestClient methods:

PostgrestClient postgrestClient = supabase.from("tasks");

// Example: Select query with filters and ordering
JSONObject response = postgrestClient
    .select("id, task_name, completed")
    .eq("completed", "false")

// Example: Inserting a new record
JSONObject newTask = new JSONObject();
newTask.put("task_name", "Sample Task");
newTask.put("completed", false);
JSONObject insertResponse = postgrestClient.insert(newTask).exec();

Authentication With GoTrue

The GoTrue class handles user authentication functionalities within the SupabaseClient.


  • getSession(): Retrieves the user session.
  • signUp(String email, String password): Registers a new user with the provided email and password.
  • signInWithPassword(String email, String password): Authenticates a user using email and password.
  • getUser(): Retrieves user information.


SupabaseClient supabase = new SupabaseClient("", "your-api-key");
// Accessing GoTrue instance from SupabaseClient
GoTrue auth = supabase.auth;

// Usage examples of GoTrue methods
JSONObject session = auth.getSession();
auth.signUp("[email protected]", "password123");
auth.signInWithPassword("[email protected]", "password123");
JSONObject user = auth.getUser();


The FunctionsClient class facilitates invoking serverless functions provided by Supabase.


  • invoke(String name): Invokes a serverless function by name.
  • invoke(String name, JSONObject body): Invokes a serverless function with a request body.
  • invoke(String name, JSONObject body, JSONObject headers): Invokes a serverless function with specified headers.
  • invoke(String name, JSONObject body, JSONObject headers, String method): Invokes a serverless function with specified headers and HTTP method.


SupabaseClient supabase = new SupabaseClient("", "your-api-key");
// Accessing FunctionsClient instance from SupabaseClient
FunctionsClient functionsClient = supabase.functions;

// Usage examples of FunctionsClient methods
String result1 = functionsClient.invoke("functionName");
JSONObject requestBody = new JSONObject();
String result2 = functionsClient.invoke("functionName", requestBody);
JSONObject requestHeaders = new JSONObject();
String result3 = functionsClient.invoke("functionName", requestBody, requestHeaders);
String result4 = functionsClient.invoke("functionName", requestBody, requestHeaders, "POST");

Folder Structure

The workspace contains two folders by default, where:

  • src: the folder to maintain sources
  • lib: the folder to maintain dependencies

Meanwhile, the compiled output files will be generated in the bin folder by default.


A Java client for Supabase








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