EtherQL is a query layer for Ethereum blockchain, written in Java and backed by MongoDB.
It provides a RESTful API that is ideal for building scalable web applications or analyzing blockchain data. EtherQL is designed to be fully compatible with Ethereum.
For much of the core protocol logic, EtherQL makes use of the EthereumJ library.
EtherQL was built at Advanced Data Analytics Lab, with the goal of providing a data query infrastructure on Ethereum. It is currently in very alpha beta, and not recommended for production use until it has received sufficient testing.
JDK 1.8.0 or later.
Maven 3.3.0 or later.
MongoDB 3.2 or later. Current version of this project relies on MongoDB as the underlying data storage. Install MongoDB according to this documentation.
Note: for spring developers, you can add EtherQL as a maven dependency by installing to your local maven repo.
mvn install
- Add the maven dependency to your spring applications.
- Create a bean to activate the EtherQL
<bean id="starter" class="edu.suda.ada.config.AppConfig"/>
At the root directory of this project, run
mvn spring-boot:run
Add etherql.conf file to your classpath to specify the Ethereum raw data location and MongoDB properties.
EtherQL is licensed under Apache License 2.0.
- Add Fast sync mechainism.
- Add mysql support.