👋 My name is Leonid Shvab, I got my general education at the college and at university of KNU. During my scientific activities related to artificial neuron, I began to study programming. At the moment I've tried some online platforms such as Prometheus, Stepik, FreeCodeCamp and others. The last courses were a theoretical online course from Epam, Ucode academy and front-end school from Genesis Academy.
Project link: GitHub html/css + scss, БЭМ, Validators/linter, webpack |
Project link: GitHub React, html/css + БЭМ, webpack |
Project link: GitHub html/css + scss, БЭМ, jQuery, Validators/linter, webpack |
Project link: GitHub html/css, JS, API |
Project link: GitHub html/css, БЭМ, Validators |
Project link: GitHub html/css + scss, JS, Validators |
Project link: GitHub html/css, Bootstrap |
Project link: GitHub html/css, БЭМ, JS, Validators |