#Logcat plugin for Vim
This plugin turn up highlights for Android log files
The main highlights are based on the debug level.
Please see http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.html#logcat for more information on Android logcat logs.
If you use pathogen plugin, just clone this repo in your bundle/ directory.
Otherwise, just copy the repo content in your .vim/ configuration subdir.
Your terminal needs to support 256 colors. Wich is the case for most X terminals anyway.
##Details on filetype autodetection
This plugins detects files with .lc or .logcat extensions, and tries to perform a basic detection on other files. This part is scripted in the ftdetect/ subdirectory.
Alternatively, if the detection fails, you can do :
set ft=logcat
to set the syntax.
- Support for GUI vim is yet incomplete.
- Support for color schemes is inexistant.
- The colors have been chosen for a light background.