The following installation steps were tested with Debian 9 (stretch) and Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver). Please, run all commands either as root or sudoer user.
apt update && apt install -y python3 python3-gdal python3-pip python3-dev wget
pip3 install tensorflow keras sklearn
wget && tar -xvzf rios-1.4.5.tar.gz && cd rios-1.4.5 && python3 install --prefix=/opt/rios-1.4.5 && export PATH=$PATH:/opt/rios-1.4.5/bin/ && export PYTHONPATH=/opt/rios-1.4.5/lib/python$(python3 --version | cut -c8-10)/site-packages/ && cd .. && rm -rf rios-1.4.5 rios-1.4.5.tar.gz
Default data directory is ./data, but you can place a custom directory in the optional [data_dir].
python3 train [data_dir]
python3 eval [data_dir]
python3 predict [data_dir]
Important: the current commit's default data directory doesn't provide example data (images). In order to run throughout all steps, user must provide its own directory for now.