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ts2proto transform .proto file into typescript file

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Introduction 📚

pro2ts is a lightweight, out-of-the-box tool that enables seamless conversion of Proto files to TypeScript. It caters to basic daily usage scenarios and offers convenience for expansion.

Key Features ⭐️

  • Ready for Immediate Use: pro2ts is built to be readily usable, requiring minimal setup and configuration.based on protobufjs
  • Support for Common Use Cases: pro2ts support the vast majority of conversion scenarios, whether it is fields, arrays, enumerations, methods or nested messages
  • Easily Extensible: pro2ts provides a flexible foundation for future expansion, allowing users to incorporate additional functionality and customize the conversion process according to their specific requirements.

Installation and Usage 🚀

  1. Install pro2ts using the package manager of your choice:
pnpm install pro2ts
  1. Import parseProtoRoot method
import { parseProtoRoot } from 'pro2ts'

const ts = parseProtoRoot(readFileSync(join(process.cwd(), './__proto__/bff.proto'), 'utf-8'))

related typescript declaration

export interface IParseOptions {

    /** Keeps field casing instead of converting to camel case */
    keepCase?: boolean;

    /** Recognize double-slash comments in addition to doc-block comments. */
    alternateCommentMode?: boolean;

    /** Use trailing comment when both leading comment and trailing comment exist. */
    preferTrailingComment?: boolean;

export declare function parseProtoRoot(proto: string, options?: IParseOptions): string;

This way you will get a converted typescript string u can choose to write into a .d.ts file like me:

writeFileSync(join(process.cwd(), './__proto__/', `./result.type.d.ts`), ts)

For example if proto file is like this

syntax = "proto2";
package proto.bff.test;

enum ErrorCode {
  ERROR_1 = 1001;
  ERROR_2 = 1002;

message ResponseMeta {
  optional int32 code = 1;
  required string type = 2;

message RequestMeta{
  message InnerItem {
    optional string comment = 1;
    repeated string photos = 2;
    repeated string videos = 3;

  optional string comment = 1;
  repeated ResponseMeta photos = 2;
  repeated string videos = 3;
  map<string, ResponseMeta> map_meta = 4;
  map<string, string> map_string = 5;
  optional InnerItem item = 6;

service GRPCDemo {
  rpc SimpleMethod (RequestMeta) returns (ResponseMeta);

After conversion it will look like this

declare namespace proto.bff.test {

  declare namespace RequestMeta {
    export interface InnerItem {
        comment?: string;
        photos: string[];
        videos: string[];


  export enum ErrorCode {
    ERROR_1 = 1001,
    ERROR_2 = 1002,

  export interface ResponseMeta {
    code?: number;
    type: string;

  export interface RequestMeta {
    comment?: string;
    photos: proto.bff.test.ResponseMeta[];
    videos: string[];
    map_meta: Record<string, proto.bff.test.ResponseMeta>;
    map_string: Record<string, string>;
    item?: RequestMeta.InnerItem;

  export interface SimpleMethod {
    (params: RequestMeta): Promise<ResponseMeta>;


Related Projects and References 🌐

  • prtobufjs Official Protocol Buffers documentation