This client library is designed makes it easy to create Actions for the Google Assistant with .Net
These are useful links i have used to attempt to create this libary.
- Actions on Google docs
- Actions on Google samples
- Dialogflow Fulfillment Webhook JSON
- Conversation Webhook Format
- fulfillment
- rest
- Migration guyde
Recomend using Ngrok
ngrok http https://localhost:5001 -host-header="localhost:5001"
To test time intent with Google Maps intergration create a Google api key and add it as a user secret dont upload it to a repo.
dotnet user-secrets set "GoogleApis:ApiKey" "Your API KEY"
Dialogflow, Actions SDK, and Smart Home fulfillment.
This Google Analytics SDK is not an offical Google SDK It was created by me to help the Actions community as there is no active development on any other .net libray currently. I intend to support .Net Standard, .net core, and .net classic application.