Shuffleboard is organized into three base projects: api
, app
, and plugins
. plugins
has additional
subprojects that the main app depends on to provide data types, widgets, and data sources for basic FRC use.
Shuffleboard is installed by the FRC vscode extension: Installation Instructions.
It can be launched from the WPILib menu in Visual Studio Code (start tool).
It can also be run manually by running the shuffleboard.vbs in c:\Users\public\wpilib\<year>\tools
(Windows) or in ~/wpilib/<year>/tools
(Linux or Mac).
- JRE 17. Java 17 is required. No other version of Java is supported. Java 17 is installed by the WPILib installer.
To run shuffleboard use the command ./gradlew :app:run
To build the APIs and utility classes used in plugin creation, use the command ./gradlew :api:shadowJar
To build the Shuffleboard application, use the command ./gradlew :app:shadowJar
. By default, this will create an
executable JAR for your operating system. To build for another OS, use one of the platform-specific builds:
OS | Command |
Windows 64-bit | ./gradlew :app:shadowJar-win64 |
Windows 32-bit | ./gradlew :app:shadowJar-win32 |
Mac | ./gradlew :app:shadowJar-mac64 |
Linux 64-bit | ./gradlew :app:shadowJar-linux64 |
Only the listed platforms are supported
To build all platform-specific JARs at once, use the command ./gradlew :app:shadowJarAllPlatforms
- JDK 17. JDK 17 is required. No other version of Java is supported.