Advanced RoadDefs
Modify existing RoadDefs (through DefModExtension), to add all information necessary to make roads buildable
This will allow the definition of costs in the RoadDef (or at least, linked to the RoadDef), so generated roads have a cost as well, which can help with cost rebate when upgraded
A "Built" property will allow for a different way of drawing road…
Modify existing RoadDefs (through DefModExtension), to add all information necessary to make roads buildable
This will allow the definition of costs in the RoadDef (or at least, linked to the RoadDef), so generated roads have a cost as well, which can help with cost rebate when upgraded
A "Built" property will allow for a different way of drawing roads in maps, so that other objects are not drawn on top of newly-built roads. They can look "newer" as well
Any change of construction cost can be centralised in one XML
Adding new roads (like GlitterRoads) is easier
Cost setting & calculating resource consumption can be done within this DefModExtension